[Openicc] Assigning icc profiles to driver settings
Jan-Peter Homann
homann at colormanagement.de
Wed Jan 19 14:13:30 PST 2011
Hello Edmund,
There seems to be somekind of misunderstanding between us...
We all know, that both on Mac OSX and Windows, ICC colormanagement for
the standard printing chain with interaction of OS, application and
printer drivers is currently not managable.
The min problem is, that the vendors of OS, applications and printer
drivers don´t interact and every one implements ICC colormanagement from
his own small perspective.
Today I believe, that the Open Source Community is the only place, where
we can find a working agreement between developers of OS, graphic
layers, printing infrastructure, applications and so on.
From the statements in the OpenICC mailinglist, you see that quite
importing people from the "private club ICC" are monitoring this list
and providing valuable input.
If workflows will be approved to work in a 100% Open Source environment,
I don´t see why we should forbid vendors and users also to implement
such workflows in mixed environments of propietary and Open Source
software like e.g. CUPS and Gutenprint on Mac OS X or Windows. If such
workflows are also supported and recommended by the ICC I feel fine with it.
My e-mail about concepts for assigning ICC profiles to printer driver
settings is intended to start a discussion about the possibilities,
advantages and pitfalls of the different concepts.
Currently I´m quite pleased with the different statements we are getting
in the discussion.
Best regards
Am 18.01.11 17:39, schrieb edmund ronald:
> Jan Peter,
> This a problem which directly concerns all who deal with the print
> process. Your position on ICC-related issues has been that there
> should not be a direct public engagement of the ICC with outside
> developers ; in that context -even as an ICC member - I would say that
> it is counterproductive to use an ICC-standardised format for the
> various settings values related to setting up a printer.
> Decide whether you want to engage in a public debate before
> standardisation, with all parties on an equal footing or whether you
> want a private club to run things - but if it is a private club, don't
> expect us to follow.
> Edmund
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 5:26 PM, Jan-Peter Homann
> <homann at colormanagement.de> wrote:
>> Hello to all,
>> During the discussion started with colord, one important topic is the
>> association of an icc profile to a printer driver setting.
>> Currently, it seems to me, that we have following possibilities:
>> 1) PPD colour keywords:
>> The PPD for a given printer must be able, to describe all color relevant
>> driver settings with all parameters (incl. low level driver settings if
>> necessary)
>> an ICC profile will be assigned to a proper parametrized PPD and the PPD
>> will completely set up the color options in the printer driver.
>> 2) Driver settings implemented as metadata-information into the ICC-profile
>> Like with the PPD-workflow, all color relebant printer driver settings are
>> stored as metadata into the ICC-profile. The printer driver must be able to
>> extract this information from the ICC profile and will be completely setup
>> by the ICC-profile itself.
>> 3) serialized driver settings
>> The driver settings are able to be serialized (which optimally able to be
>> exported and imported)
>> The ICC-profile will be associated with the serial ID of the driver setting.
>> It would be interesting to know, which of these ways are preferred by the
>> community.
>> Best regards
>> Jan-Peter
>> --
>> ---------- Please note the new adress --------------
>> homann colormanagement --------- fon +49 30 611 075 18
>> Jan-Peter Homann ------------ mobile +49 171 54 70 358
>> Cotheniusstr. 3 -------- http://www.colormanagement.de
>> 10407 Berlin -------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de
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homann colormanagement --------- fon +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------ mobile +49 171 54 70 358
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10407 Berlin -------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de
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