[Openicc] Linux CM ideology, was: meta data in test chart

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Thu Feb 3 23:13:28 PST 2011

Am 03.02.11, 22:46 +0100 schrieb edmund ronald:
> At the moment a developer needs to do things like workspace
> conversions when reading a file, when displaying, when writing it etc,
> so the developer needs to understand ICC, and inevitably
> implementation errors will creep in, and also the data is getting
> destructively modified.

Thats why Oyranos is a CMS. At has early APIs, which try to take many of 
the decissions off from the developers shoulders. One goal is to have 
APIs, which allow to load a image file and display it through a choosen 
toolkit. That comes without the need to think about embedded ICC profiles, 
settings or display compensation.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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