[Openicc] Linux CM ideology... Print preview

Jan-Peter Homann homann at colormanagement.de
Sun Feb 6 11:32:51 PST 2011

Hello all,
Here is the workflow for print preview:

Create a workflow, where the rasterized printout from CUPS is duplicated 
and converted from printer-profile whit a user choosen rendering intent 
to displayRGB.

As the printer profile is only defined through choosing the 
media-setting in the printing UI, a print preview is best implemented as 
function of the print UI (and not of an application creating complex PDF 

If there should be a print preview in the application, the workflow 
should be as following:

1) Implement the possibility of softproof workflows in the application:

2)Deilver a solution, where the installed PrinterICC profiles for the 
current CUPS queues are communicated via Oyranos or g-c-m to 
applications (e.g. both CUPS queue name an printer profile name could be 
communicated via Oyranos /g-c-m to the application.

3) Choose (CUPS-queue name / printer profile) for softproof

Best regards

----------  Please note the new adress --------------

homann colormanagement --------- fon +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------ mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Cotheniusstr. 3 -------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10407 Berlin -------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de

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