[Openicc] CUPS Color Management under Linux... (what is to do ?)

Jan-Peter Homann homann at colormanagement.de
Wed Feb 9 08:46:10 PST 2011

Hello all,
By reading the CUPS documentation and following the threads in in the 
OpenICC mailinglist, I see following topics which we should take care 
for an automated print workflow targeting the consumer market with 
cupsICC. may in some points I´m wrong so please correct if necessary. I 
also have some question about the communications between:
- Printing UI
- PDFtoRater Filter

Printer driver (e.g. Gutenberg)
The printerdriver need defined settings with canned ICC profiles 
representing this settings. There should be an installer, which 
installes the profiles in the right place and a PPD which describes the 
link of cupsICC selectors with profile names.
(Alle such things are currently not available for Gutenprint, but there 
is work in this direction.

It is important to define, how the current valid cupsICC profile is 
merged into the print workflow:
- placed as PDF Output Intent in the print spool PDF (this needs a e.g. 
specialized CUPS filter to do this), before it is send to PDFtoRaster. 
In this case PDFtoRaster don`t needs any configuration for the cupsICC 
- dynamic configuration of the PDFtoRaster filter itself. Depending on 
the active cupsICC profile, the PDFtoRaster Filter will be configured 
automatically with this profile as target profile for the color 
It would also be nice, if PDFtoRaster allows globally to activate 
Blackpoint Compensation

Link between CUPS and printerdriver
How do we maintain, that correct converted data are printed with correct 
setting ?
- CUPS queues for every setting ?

Printing UI
Make shure, that the cupsICC selektors are available in the printing UI, 
through the PPD delivered with printing settings.

PDF Generation and PDFtoRaster
Currently most output of solutions for print PDF spool files will 
generate PDF objects with DeviceRGB color description. If the workflow 
with the Output Intent is choosed, we need to make shure that all PDF 
objects are converted to ICCbasedRGB with embedded sRGB-profile.
If PDFtoRaster will be configured on the fly, we also need a possibility 
to define a RGB-workingspace for DeviceRGB objects which has to set to sRGB.

where is the best place to collect informations and testfiles for 
implementing a CUPS based color managed printing workflow ?
OpenICC wiki ?

Best regards

----------  Please note the new adress --------------

homann colormanagement --------- fon +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------ mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Cotheniusstr. 3 -------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10407 Berlin -------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de

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