[Openicc] colord Printing Plans, CPD and Gutenprint

Jan-Peter Homann homann at colormanagement.de
Mon Feb 28 06:32:34 PST 2011

Hello Richard (and all others who may are competent to answer...)

Richards answers are seeming not be constent to me, either:
- updated settings and assigned profiles need updating of the PPD, or
- The PPD is used for static parameters only. Driver settings and 
profiles are handled beside the PPD

Could you please describe the use cases

- importing new settings in the printer driver with assigned / bundled profiles,
- printing a testchart from a standard application with deactivated profiles in p*toraster
- creating own profile for a given setting.
- creatings own setting an then doing own profiling
- or installing a profile provided from a profiling service for a given

- where is the place to assign a profile to a driver setting ?
- how is the driver setting presented in the printing UI
- After the user chooses his setting in the printing UI, how does colord know, which profile is valid for the setting ?

Am 28.02.11 15:10, schrieb Richard Hughes:
> On 28 February 2011 14:06, Jan-Peter Homann<homann at colormanagement.de>  wrote:
>> Is it correct, that in such scenario, we need somekind of dynamic PPD
>> update, if e.g. the user
>> - imports new settings in the printer driver with assigned profiles, or
>> - creates his own profile for a given setting.
>> - or installes a profile provided from a profiling service for a given
>> setting
> Correct.
>>  From my point of view, PPDs should be used to describe static printer
>> parameters like e.g. papertrays, duplex options, maximum printable areas...
>> Handling of color relevant driver settings and assigned profiles should be
>> better handled outside the PPD.
> Agreed, and this is what colord aims to do.
> Richard.

----------  Please note the new adress --------------

homann colormanagement --------- fon +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------ mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Cotheniusstr. 3 -------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10407 Berlin -------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de

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