[Openicc] Printing Plans GhostScript / sRGB / ICC

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Thu Mar 3 14:04:43 PST 2011

>>>>> "CM" == Chris Murphy <lists at colorremedies.com> writes:

CM> For PostScript you don't have OutputIntent, so how do you
CM> differentiate for PostScript?

It SHOULD be done the same way it is currently done for postscript
printers:  an option in the PPD to specify what profile should be
used for DeviceRGB.

The nearest PPD to me has:

    Image RGB Source:    None *sRGB AdobeRGB AppleRGB ColorMatch baRGB
    Image RGB Intent:    Business *Picture Proof Match
    Text RGB Source:     None *sRGB AdobeRGB AppleRGB ColorMatch baRGB
    Text RGB Intent:     *Business Picture Proof Match
    Graphics RGB Source: None *sRGB AdobeRGB AppleRGB ColorMatch baRGB
    Graphics RGB Intent: *Business Picture Proof Match

None does C=1-R, M=1-G, Y=1-B; there are separate options to control
whether CMY or K is used for DeviceRGB gray, the Halftone detail and
edge enhancement (akin to anti-aliasing for lasers).  

That pdd also supports a simulation profile for DeviceCMYK:

    Simulation Profile: None *SWOP Euroscale Commercial DIC TOYO

Using ghostscript as a RIP essentially creates a printer every bit as
capable as a mid-range business laser.  The user experience should be
at least as good.

The *toraster drivers may not need all of those profiles by default;
None and sRGB probably are enough.  But that is the UI users are used
to.  Doing something different would just confuse.

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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