[Openicc] Helping with colord

Andrzej Nowicki andrzej.nowicki80 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 02:34:28 PST 2011

On 7 March 2011 03:11, Alexandre Prokoudine
<alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com> wrote:
> You know, we have quite enough of anti-RedHat nonsense in this list
> already. Spilling even more oil into the fire is something we could do
> without. Colord doesn't oboslete Oyranos. Period.

I send my apologies for the out of hand statement.

> > 3.   Would financial backing of colord be permitted?
> Would you like to elaborate?

We have several research grants available here, and I have been tasked
with the assigning of them.

Many thanks,


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