[Openicc] Helping with colord

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Mar 8 06:20:15 PST 2011

Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> Cinepaint? Not updated in years, not communicating to users, not used
> (comparatively).

Hmm. How much money have you paid to use it ? Enough
to employ one or more a developer full time ? No ?
Then perhaps it's a bit much to expect it to be developed
and supported like a commercial product.

> Having stamina for a long run is simply not enough. Having nice
> architecture is not enough either. The only way to stop people
> wondering if a project is dead or alive is to arrange matters so that
> no sane person would ever have reasons to doubt. Of course if you
> prefer getting architectural on people instead, it's entirely up to
> you.

It seems that you are deliberately conflating Cinepaint and
Oyranos in terms of them being dead or alive. Again, hardly fair.

If Oyranos's technical or architectural limitations are what is
handicapping it, then by all means point out what you think they
are. I certainly have my own reservations about it. But it's
possible that some of it is purely opportunistic or structural,
since someone being employed full time by Red Hat
has a huge advantage in getting their work into wide distribution,
irrespective of its underlying merit compared to the alternatives.

Graeme Gill.

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