[Openicc] Colour Management future

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Fri Apr 1 01:57:29 PDT 2011

Hello all,

after the recent announcements of Microsoft and Apple for a joint
open source colour management system (code name Longhorn), both companies 
announced today to have supplied patches for the Canterbury Distribution 
kernel to integrate the CMS deeply into the operating system. The 
statements mention the goal of common colour appearance in VMs, trade 
shows and heterogenous computer cabinets like in universities. Linus 
Torwalds signaled already to look positively over the supplied patches to 
integrate them into the upstream kernel source tree too.

To be honest, I am afraid, the fact that Longhorn is not based on ICC at 
all, we must ask if the OpenICC group has a further chance to contribute 
anything useful if it keeps the old title.
As the ICC standard appears now be obsoleted in large parts of the 
industry, I suggest to rename this email list in the near future. 
Personally I would go with "OpenWCS". More ideas are of course welcome.

"ICC to WCS Conversion Utility"
As a first step I added a proposal to the GSoC page to provide a 
conversation layer for lcms and thus ICC based applications, like 
Ghostscript, Inkscape, Scribus and so on.
A second project to integrate the new kernel interfaces into KDE and Gnome 
will be added as soon as possible. IMO these integration projects will 
have priority.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 

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