[Openicc] Colour Management Schemes for Printing

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Thu Apr 28 02:53:34 PDT 2011

In preparation of several events I created some slides. Two of them 
summarise usability and design objectives for colour managed general
printing, which where collectively worked out during OpenICC discussions.

The core of the CMS schemes boils down to
* avoid asking any questions to users,
* adhere to existing standards and no new special commands,
* be compact and modular,
* use a robust opt-out of colour management and
* honour device colour calibration state

The slides are in the Printing section of the Device page on ColourWiki. 
They show decision policies during local spool file preparation and 
highlight the device profile selection. The scheme is somewhat wrapped 
around the Oyranos CMS, but should otherwise adhere to the above general 

The vendor profile mechanism is not the specific focus in these schemes as 
that is already covered by previous work and in parts in the CUPS 
documentation. The schemes integrate with vendor profiles flawless.


The original Inkscape drawings are provided below the schemes for easy 
editing. Please consider to share your edits to improve the schemes.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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