[Openicc] GoSoC 2011: CPD and target printing
Alastair M. Robinson
blackfive at fakenhamweb.co.uk
Mon May 9 11:30:50 PDT 2011
On 09/05/11 12:35, Jan-Peter Homann wrote:
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/OpenIcc/ColorMangedPrintingPath
> It would be nice to get some comments on this proposal.
Unfortunately I lack the time to "get my teeth into this" at the moment,
but I'll make a few comments in passing if I may.
Firstly, Print Spool File generation, you list QT printing API, but not
GTK / Cairo. Those two will account for the vast majority of "casual"
printed documents. PDFs coming directly from applications will, I
expect, be largely from high-end apps such as Scribus. Apps with less
demanding printing needs that implement their own print path will, I
imagine, continue to print in PostScript for some time to come.
PDFtoRaster modules:
Both Ghostscript and Poppler have working colour management now, for
varying values of working. CUPS has the CUPSICCProfile mechanism, which
again works today. Is the consensus that this mechanism isn't flexible
enough for our needs, or should we design towards it?
Section 3 - linking of ICC profiles and raster driver settings.
One point I've made several times already, but which I'll re-iterate here:
Don't assume a one-to-one mapping between a particular instance of
driver settings and an ICC profile. There are two situations I use on a
daily basis where one set of printer settings maps to many profiles:
Firstly, inkjet printing on multiple brands of photo paper. I have
several different types of paper that all work well with identical
printer settings, but which require individual profiles to keep the grey
balance right.
Secondly, using a high-end workgroup laser printer with CMYK profiles.
If I'm printing a flyer or postcard that requires the best possible
contrast and deepest blacks, then I'll use a high TAC and lenient
black-generation. If on the other hand the job's going to be folded,
I'll use a much more aggressive black-generation to keep the toner
coverage low and reduce the chance of toner flaking off the fold.
Identical print settings, very different profiles.
All the best
Alastair M. Robinson
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