[Openicc] CFP OpenICC @ FOSDEM 4 + 5 February 2012 in Brussels, Belgium

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sun Nov 13 04:06:42 PST 2011

OpenICC will next year use a developers room at FOSDEM[1] on Sunday 
together with Xorg people. The goal is to provide a meeting space for 
colour management topics. It would be great if someone would sponsor 
to take over recording both tracks for later online publication.

So far we have one glue talk between Xorg and OpenICC, Scribus and PDF 
colour management, Taxi DB, OpenICC work and one about Oyranos CMS. We 
would be glad to see some more talks proposed related to colour 
management. If you think you could contribute a talk about your favorite 
project and user topic or get a interesting discussion rolling, then 
please get in contact with me. Submission deadline is new year. We will
confirm accepted talks middle January.

While OpenICC is usually much biased towards ICC ;-), we feel obliged by 
the first part of our title and like to get in contact with people using 
other colour management standards as well and discuss all the overlapping 
topics. That could be movie or photography. Let´s make it happen. FOSDEM 
is told to be a good place for that.

The wiki page with first talk proposals is here:

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
OpenICC Organiser of FOSDEM 2011 DevRoom

[1] http://fosdem.org/2012/

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