[Openicc] Synchronizing printer driver settings and printer profiles

Jan-Peter Homann homann at colormanagement.de
Tue Jan 10 00:55:47 PST 2012

Hello to all,
I will attend the ICC meeting "automated workflow group" at January 30 
in munich. (Kai-Uwe hope to see you there...)
To prepare this meeting I would like to get an update about current 
status of projects communicating through the OpenICC list and OpenICC wiki.

It would be fine, when the technical aspects of synchronizing printer 
driver settings and printer profils are also described in the OpenICC wiki.
Especially at: 

status reports I would like to get inform about are especially:

1) Gutenprint:
- Is there a Gutenprintprint release available, which can allows import 
and export of driver setting by one XML-file ?
- any plans to create a mechanism, that Gutenprint can extract such 
setting from a printer ICC-profile ?

2) Oyranos:
Is the synchronization of printer profiles and drivers settings 
implemented or in the pipeline for oyranos ?

4) colord:
Is the synchronization of printer profiles and drivers settings 
implemented or in the pipeline for colord ?

5) CPD
Is the synchronization of printer profiles and drivers settings 
implemented or in the pipeline for CPD ?

6) Taxi
Is it planned, that taxi will support up- and download of printer 
profiles with embedded driver settings ?

Best regards

----------  Please note the new adress --------------

homann colormanagement --------- fon +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------ mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Cotheniusstr. 3 -------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10407 Berlin -------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de

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