[Openicc] Synchronizing printer driver settings and printer profiles

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Thu Jan 12 09:03:15 PST 2012

Am 12.01.12, 16:34 +0100 schrieb Jan-Peter Homann:
> Kai Uwe, am I correct, that Oyranos has already implemented the functionality 
> to read ICC Metadata Tag and to extract CUPS qualifiers, if they are found 
> inside the ICC-metadata Tag ?

Yes, the three CUPS qualifiers like GCM. And Oyranos' CUPS module supports 
arbitrary qualifiers/keys coming either from a PPD or a profile.

> If yes, is there a specification about this Tag ?

The keys for the meta tag are not generally specified for printers. They 
are to be specified by the actual used PPD or have at least to match keys 
used in a given PPD. The mechanism to mark PPD keys as colour related 
is described on the OpenICC wiki:

> If yes, do you think it makes sense, that this Tag should be registerred at 
> the ICC Tag registry ?

Perhaps a prefix like PPD_, CUPS_ or something more general like 
COLORPRINT_ could be specified. Ideas are welcome. And a specification 
needs some initial outlining of a basic idea how matching shall occure. 
Then it becomes clearer for profilers what to write in the meta 
tag and what not.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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