[Openicc] printer, driver, CUPS, PPD, printing GUI, ICC-profiles, colord, Oyranos, taxi....

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed Jan 18 04:38:44 PST 2012

Robert Krawitz wrote:
> In this situation (DeviceRGB, or preferably DeviceCMYK, or even better
> yet, DeviceN), there's no reason Gutenprint should use its current
> default inking settings.  With 16 bit input, there's no good reason not
> to set very high ink limits and let the profile do the ink limiting.

While you can certainly do it this way, I think it's an approach that
has problems, because no profile creation software is equipped to take
on a raw device that may have severely low ink limits and very
high dot gain, as is typical of inkjets when running at high
resolution with lots of dot overlap. Some form of linearisation
and per channel ink limiting is needed before a profiler can
do a reasonable job. While such calibration can be incorporated
in a profile, this is not common.

Graeme Gill.

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