[Openicc] printer, driver, CUPS, PPD, printing GUI, ICC-profiles, colord, Oyranos, taxi....

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Jan 18 09:21:59 PST 2012

Am 18.01.12, 08:03 -0800 schrieb Michael Sweet:
> On Jan 18, 2012, at 2:55 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
>> ...
>> Can a empty profile be published by a printer for listing the colour related options?
>> printer-icc-profiles={ print-color-mode='' printer-resolution='' }
> Not at present, and I dislike mixing things like this.
>> That way clients know the required meta data for profile association.
>> E.g. Gutenprint will come assumedly with no profiles for most of it's supported printers.
> [Again, let's not mix up IPP Everywhere and CUPS PPD-based drivers...]

The request is completly targeted at IPP Everywhere.

> Clients have an existing job ticket based on the default and supported attributes and values for a printer.  Presumably a client that does soft proofing will ask the printer for its list of registered profiles and then iterate through the list to find the best match.  Nothing requires the client to know which attributes are needed for profile selection - the printer (separately) provides a list of attributes that can be used in a job ticket along with their default and supported values, and that will be a superset of what is required for profile selection.

This is fine for selecting existing ICC profiles for well supported media. 
We want to create new ICC profiles for unsupported media, which likely 
need new driver calibration settings, as Robert and Edmund pointed out.
Part of this is to know, which driver attributes set the changed 
calibration for the new profile. Otherwise clients are highly uncertain on 
calibration state and custom ICC profiles are more error proune.

To nail it down I want to provide a scenario:
* A hobby photographer wants to experiment with drivers and has bought new
   media which he can not find a profile for.
* Here profiling software gives advice how to get to a proper
   calibration state, like smooth colour ramps and so on by tweaking
   colour related driver settings.
* The profiler has no knowlege of the exact colour attribute names. 
* After printing the target she measures the target and the profiler
   creates a ICC profile.

In the actual IPP standard she has no means to automatically associate 
the new calibration state for here alternative media and driver with the 
ICC profile. She wonders, why she must select all colour related options 
manually and hopes to have got it right.

In case the printer can provide the additional information, about what 
driver options are colour related, the profiler can register here profile 
automatically in the local CMS or upload to the printer and she can rely 
on good results.

I hope to could make myself clearer, why I think, it would be a good 
thing, that printers can advertise additional meta data.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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