[Openicc] printer, driver, CUPS, PPD, printing GUI, ICC-profiles, colord, Oyranos, taxi....

Chris Lilley chris at w3.org
Thu Jan 26 12:39:41 PST 2012

On Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 1:09:09 AM, Michael wrote:

MS> JPEG allows for grayscale, RGB, and CMYK that are not tagged with
MS> a color space or profile.  The implementation advice is typically
MS> to use sRGB for grayscale and RGB by default, but there is no default CMYK space.

Yes. Although a more conservative approach is to embed an sRGB profile) when writing) and to assume sRGB if not profile is present (when reading).

MS> PNG and SVG are targeted at calibrated color spaces (SVG
MS> specifically uses sRGB), although PNG does allow you to embed ICC color profiles.

PNG is by default untagged. It has gamma and chromaticity information (chromaticity not being common in practical PNG files), a way to embed ICC profiles, and a special shorthand tag to say 'this is sRGB' without including the actual profile. This is handy for very small files.

SVG 1.1 uses sRGB as the default fallback and allows ICC colours to be used (RGB, CMYK, or multichannel) but uses sRGB as an interpolation colourspace.

SVG 2 uses sRGB as the default fallback and allows ICC colours to be used (RGB, CMYK, or multichannel), direct specification in CIE Lab or LCGab, and interpolation can choose to use sRGB, HSL, Lab, or LCHab.

 Chris Lilley   Technical Director, Interaction Domain                 
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead, Fonts Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG
 Member, CSS, WebFonts, SVG Working Groups

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