[Openicc] Actually getting color managed printing to work

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 13:14:49 PST 2012

On 01/29/2012 11:53 AM, edmund ronald wrote:
> Michael,
>   *How* does CUPS on non-mac systems know about ICC profiles?
>   I have found your very clear and informative post here
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/openicc/2005q2/000208.html
> which indicates that the *cupsiccprofile keyword in the PPD is the
> appropriate declaration on the Mac. Is this now generally supported?
>   Also, do non-mac distribs now have a filter called up by CUPS which
> then does the appropriate profile conversion?

AFAIK the only filter which does thid under Linux is gstoraster, a 
Ghostscript-based filter which turns PDF or PostScript into CUPS Raster. 
The filter is part of the Ghostscript package and to actually use it it 
must be taken care that its cost factors in the MIME conversion rules 
are lower than the factors of pdftoraster (Poppler-based filter). 
gstoraster reads out the *cupsiccprofile keywords in the PPD and makes 
Ghostscript applying the appropriate ICC profile if the profile is 
actually installed.

This naturally works only for CUPS-Rster based drivers, not for native 
PostScript printers or for foomatic-rip-based drivers for example.


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