[Openicc] printer, driver, CUPS, PPD, printing GUI, ICC-profiles, colord, Oyranos, taxi....

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Mon Jan 30 08:48:04 PST 2012

On Jan 30, 2012, at 6:58 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> ...
> The original point was, that we can use only one profile in CUPS/IPP for
> describing a printer and its calibration, which was Michaels idea. This
> profile has to have a mapping from  PCS to n-channel in its tables,
> which is prohibitively large. See my former email in this thread.

No, I think you missed the point.  I was simply saying that the only way to generically support arbitrary devices or drivers is to support N-channel profiling.  Otherwise you end up with hacks ("my media is like this vendor media, but use this RGB/CMYK profile") or have to embed or side-load device/driver-specific configuration/calibration data to go along with the ICC profile.  The former offers only modest improvements in color accuracy while the latter means you'll have a separate profiling/calibration application for each driver or device.

I'll grant that DeviceN is "pie in the sky" thinking, but IMHO that is ultimately the long-term goal we should be pursuing...

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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