[Openicc] Application and Toolkit CM code

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Feb 21 17:28:01 PST 2012

Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> Inside the Oyranos project I started some code with a fully CPU colour managed image display
> example app. The code is already deployed inside ICC Examin but not yet very generic to be easily
> reuseable in Qt or Gtk.

It's a significant sized project, because to be convincing you would really need to

   Linux/X11/Wayland support for per widget/window color management.
   Add per widget/window color management to the popular toolkits, as
   well as implementing this on all the platforms supported by the
   toolkit using the appropriate OS color facilities.

That then leaves developers with the means to make their
applications color managed.

It can of course be done step by step, but if the end result
is to be achievable, then consideration should really be made of
the technical feasibility across toolkits and OS's, as
well as ease of use in different application scenarios.

Graeme Gill.

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