[Openicc] Extra metadata keys for review

Lars Borg borg at adobe.com
Mon May 7 11:39:30 PDT 2012

The ICC registries should also be used for the officially recognized 
names of standard color spaces.
  For example, adobe-rgb is not the proper name, and may be a 
violation of trademark rules.


At 7:03 AM -0700 5/6/12, Max Derhak wrote:
>CL> Several times above I have suggested registries of tokens, if 
>they are an extensible set. This need not be particularly 
>complicated, a wiki page per registry would be fine.
>My suggestion would be to use the Metadata Registry provided by the 
>ICC (http://www.color.org/registry/metadata/index.xalter).  Any and 
>all are welcome to register their metadata fields, and it is a 
>logical place for people to go to find that kind of information.
>CL> --
>CL> Chris Lilley   Technical Director, Interaction Domain                
>CL>  W3C Graphics Activity Lead, Fonts Activity Lead  Co-Chair, W3C 
>Hypertext CG  Member, CSS, WebFonts, SVG Working Groups
>Max Derhak
>Senior Software Architect
>max.derhak at onyxgfx.com
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