[Openicc] Gutenprint team requests CM-off for a print queue be provided as a maintained engineering facility.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sat May 12 00:54:26 PDT 2012

Am 11.05.12, 08:17 -0700 schrieb Michael Sweet:
> There are (typically) two cases where you want to turn off color management:
> 1. Printing of targets for profiling.
> 2. Printing from an application that provides its own color management.

> For #2, we should also require a way for the application to query the default profile for a printer that has been registered for particular print settings. This is because otherwise users will end up using completely different profiles (or having to register them N times) when printing from different applications.

Agreed, that's really important for good API design. I expect experts and 
users will appreciate to know in advance, which output profile will be 

kind regards

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