[Openicc] Ghostscript PDF/X-3

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Fri May 18 03:09:14 PDT 2012

Am 18.05.2012 04:12, schrieb Graeme Gill:
> Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
>> To prevent above mentioned DeviceXXX/ mismatches, the profiling client has to check the print
>> queues logical colour space, select a fitting target and attach the correct OutputIntent ICC
>> profile with the same colour space. A conflict would happen if e.g. OutputIntent says rgb and
>> colour numbers are defined as DeviceCMYK/.
> Which is a truly horrible way of doing things. It's simply awkward and brittle, and
> doesn't convey the actual intentions.

Yes, you are right. As soon as profilers do the OutputIntent embedding
themselves, the process becomes much simpler. Then either the profiler
application or a user just prints a target to the to be profiled queue
and things work as expected. The above outlined example is more or less
a legacy target support path.

kind regards

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