[Openicc] Profiling not permitted under Linux?

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 07:14:40 PDT 2013

I was all the time in favor of such an option, being a general option
available for all printers, independent of the drivers and/or PPD files.
It should be implemented in the CUPS filters which execute color
management, usually by applying an ICC profile.

Most of these filters are in cups-filters, especially gstoraster of
Ghostscript has moved to there, too. Also foomatic-rip will move into
cups-filters soon. So probably only the upstream projects cups and
cups-filters will contain such filters, assuming that no color
management is performed in drivers (rasterto*, *ijs*, ...). Mike, which
filters in CUPS apply color management?

All color management support implementations in cups-filters (including
former Ghostscript filters), and foomatic-rip are done by Richard
Hughes, so it would be best if he could also supply us with the patches
to turn color management off if needed. I asked him for that already

If Richard is not able to do so in a reasonable time, patches from
anyone are welcome.

There should be one boolean option, like "color-management", with
default value "True" and when set to "False" color management should not
be applied.

I have checked through cups-filters now and the only filter with the
ability to turn off color management in place is gstoraster, supplying
the option "color-management=off" has the desired effect. What has to be
done is to make gstoraster also accept "color-management=false",
"color-management=0", "nocolor-management"... and to add this option to
all other filters which apply color management.

For the Gutenprint developers and users, please use the CUPS flavor of
Gutenprint and let gstoraster (from the newest cups-filters package) do
the rasterization (cost factors in /usr/share/cups/mime/cupsfilters.convs).


On 09/27/2013 02:31 PM, edmund ronald wrote:
> Hi Guys,
>  the famous CM-off flag is still not implemented officially; it seems
> it is not a priority. this means that as the color guy at Gutenprint I
> cannot (without a workaround)  stuff, which means that we cannot move
> Gutenprint to a profiled workflow with less manual tuning.
>  I don't get it; really I don't. People here have been working like
> crazy to implement profiled printing, but then they won't give the
> printer guys the tools to profile?
> BTW, I spent a couple of weeks this summer doing CMYK profiles for
> Gutenprint. Why? To get rid of CM built-in reliably of course. I found
> out a couple of things.
> - Proprietary vendor RGB driver color is really really good these days.
> - Naked CMYK files break most distributions "lp" but can be printed
> via Okulus or Acroread.
> - CMYK profiling is a pain to get right on Gutenprint with the current
> ink curves, and should probably not be attempted seriously until more
> tools are available, at which point it will still be a job for
> experts.  RGB profiling is the way to go  - but seems politically
> unacceptable
>  So maybe you guys want to lobby Canon and Epson and ask them to
> supply drivers, because I for one see little reason to waste time on a
> printer driver which I cannot profile because the politics are broken.
> Edmund
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