[Openicc] Suggested update to "ICC Profiles in X Specification 0.4"

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed Nov 16 20:40:15 UTC 2016

Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:


> The specification in its current 0.4 form calls for the screens to be numbered 
> in the Xinerama order.

I don't know what the definition of that is. Furthermore, since Xinerama
doesn't have the concept of Outputs, I don't see how it can cover them.

> In your proposed change you only mention the X11 Screen 
> index. I couldn't find any documentation to what that is. Do you have any 
> pointer to how to get that number?

Standard X11 screen_number, i.e. what's after the '.' in
the DISPLAY environment variable. The 2nd argument to the
XRootWindow() function. etc.

Graeme Gill.

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