[Openicc] colord 1.3.4

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 12:29:05 UTC 2016

Important: Can distros please make sure the libcolordcompat is
installed in colord-libs rather than colord-devel please. It's an
unversioned support library for argyllcms and we've become aware that
most (all?) distros are not installing this in the right subpackage.

Version 1.3.4
Released: 2016-11-21

New Features:
 - colord: Add cd_color_rgb_from_wavelength() (Richard Hughes)
 - colord: Add cd_spectrum_resample_to_size() (Richard Hughes)
 - colorhug: Add commands for getting the device calibration spectra
(Richard Hughes)
 - colorhug: Increase the size of the EP0 transfer (Richard Hughes)
 - colorhug: Support enabling the illuminants on the ColorHug+ (Richard Hughes)

 - Fix a possible NULL dereference when talking to Spark devices
(Richard Hughes)
 - Fix compile with -Wformat-signedness (Richard Hughes)
 - Fix possible division by zero if parsing /proc/cpuinfo fails (Richard Hughes)
 - Install the libcolordcompat.so in the main -libs package (Richard Hughes)

colord is a system activated daemon that maps devices to color profiles.

See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/ for more details.

Tarballs can be found here:


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