ANNOUNCE: p11-kit 0.7

Stef Walter stefw at
Tue Sep 27 01:18:30 PDT 2011

Announcing a new release of p11-kit: 0.7

p11-kit is a key component in using PKCS#11 modules from multiple
libraries and applications running together on a desktop or elsewhere.
Several of the issues that it solves are documented here:

What's new in 0.7

 * Expand p11-kit config variables correctly invarious build scenarios
 * Add test tool to print out error messages
 * Build fix on FreeBSD

Many thanks to everyone who contributed with patches, review and testing :)

Detailed changes in 0.7

Andreas Metzler (1):
      Fix quoting of build variables

Roman Bogorodskiy (1):
      Add #include <limits.h> for PATH_MAX to fix compilation on...

Stef Walter (4):
      Expand the libdir path correctly
      Add test tool to print out error messages
      Don't expand p11-kit config variables in configure.
      Release 0.7




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