[PackageKit-commit] packagekit: Branch 'master'
Richard Hughes
hughsient at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Jan 31 03:27:57 PST 2009
client/pk-console.c | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit eb69daaa13d7e6a5f3707d84cf9459718b37c61a
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date: Sat Jan 31 11:26:07 2009 +0000
trivial: make a few translations better, and add a truckload of translator comments
diff --git a/client/pk-console.c b/client/pk-console.c
index 9914953..e1732ab 100644
--- a/client/pk-console.c
+++ b/client/pk-console.c
@@ -539,12 +539,16 @@ pk_console_finished_cb (PkClient *client, PkExitEnum exit_enum, guint runtime, g
/* is there any restart to notify the user? */
restart = pk_client_get_require_restart (client);
- if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_SYSTEM)
+ if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_SYSTEM) {
+ /* TRANSLATORS: a package needs to restart they system */
g_print ("%s\n", _("Please restart the computer to complete the update."));
- else if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_SESSION)
+ } else if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_SESSION) {
+ /* TRANSLATORS: a package needs to restart the session */
g_print ("%s\n", _("Please logout and login to complete the update."));
- else if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_APPLICATION)
+ } else if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_APPLICATION) {
+ /* TRANSLATORS: a package needs to restart the application */
g_print ("%s\n", _("Please restart the application as it is being used."));
+ }
exit_enum == PK_EXIT_ENUM_FAILED && need_requeue) {
@@ -1716,12 +1720,16 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
const GOptionEntry options[] = {
{ "verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose,
+ /* TRANSLATORS: command line argument, if we should show debugging information */
_("Show extra debugging information"), NULL },
{ "version", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &program_version,
+ /* TRANSLATORS: command line argument, just show the version string */
_("Show the program version and exit"), NULL},
{ "filter", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &filter,
+ /* TRANSLATORS: command line argument, use a filter to narrow down results */
_("Set the filter, e.g. installed"), NULL},
{ "nowait", 'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &nowait,
+ /* TRANSLATORS: command line argument, work asynchronously */
_("Exit without waiting for actions to complete"), NULL},
@@ -1853,74 +1861,86 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
/* parse the big list */
if (strcmp (mode, "search") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search type, e.g. name"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: a search type can be name, details, file, etc */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A search type is required, e.g. name"));
goto out;
} else if (strcmp (value, "name") == 0) {
if (details == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user needs to provide a search term */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A search term is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_search_name (client_async, filters, details, &error);
} else if (strcmp (value, "details") == 0) {
if (details == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user needs to provide a search term */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A search term is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_search_details (client_async, filters, details, &error);
} else if (strcmp (value, "group") == 0) {
if (details == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user needs to provide a search term */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A search term is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_search_group (client_async, filters, details, &error);
} else if (strcmp (value, "file") == 0) {
if (details == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user needs to provide a search term */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A search term is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_search_file (client_async, filters, details, &error);
} else {
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the search type was provided, but invalid */
error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("Invalid search type"));
} else if (strcmp (mode, "install") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a package or file to install"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user did not specify what they wanted to install */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name or filename to install is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_install_stuff (client_async, argv, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "install-sig") == 0) {
if (value == NULL || details == NULL || parameter == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a type, key_id and package_id"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: geeky error, 99.9999% of users won't see this */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A type, key_id and package_id are required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_install_signature (client_async, PK_SIGTYPE_ENUM_GPG, details, parameter, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "remove") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a package to remove"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user did not specify what they wanted to remove */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name to remove is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_remove_packages (client_async, argv, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "download") == 0) {
if (value == NULL || details == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify the destination directory and then the packages to download"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the user did not specify anything about what to download or where */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A destination directory and then the package names to download are required"));
goto out;
ret = g_file_test (value, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR);
if (!ret) {
+ /* TRANSLATORS: the directory does not exist, so we can't continue */
error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s: %s", _("Directory not found"), value);
goto out;
ret = pk_console_download_packages (client_async, argv, value, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "accept-eula") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a licence identifier (eula-id)"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: geeky error, 99.9999% of users won't see this */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A licence identifier (eula-id) is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_accept_eula (client_async, value, &error);
@@ -1936,28 +1956,32 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (strcmp (mode, "resolve") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a package name to resolve"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not specify a package name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name to resolve is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_resolve (client_async, filters, argv+2, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "repo-enable") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a repository name"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not specify a repository (software source) name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A repository name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_repo_enable (client_async, value, TRUE, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "repo-disable") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a repository name"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not specify a repository (software source) name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A repository name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_repo_enable (client_async, value, FALSE, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "repo-set-data") == 0) {
if (value == NULL || details == NULL || parameter == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a repo name/parameter and value"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user didn't provide any data */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A repo name, parameter and value are required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_repo_set_data (client_async, value, details, parameter, &error);
@@ -1969,12 +1993,14 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
PkRoleEnum role;
guint time_ms;
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify an action, e.g. 'update-system'"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user didn't specify what action to use */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("An action, e.g. 'update-system' is required"));
goto out;
role = pk_role_enum_from_text (value);
if (role == PK_ROLE_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a correct role"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user specified an invalid action */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A correct role is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_control_get_time_since_action (control, role, &time_ms, &error);
@@ -1988,7 +2014,8 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (strcmp (mode, "get-depends") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not provide a package name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_get_depends (client_async, filters, value, &error);
@@ -1998,42 +2025,48 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (strcmp (mode, "get-update-detail") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not provide a package name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_get_update_detail (client_async, value, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "get-requires") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not provide a package name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_get_requires (client_async, filters, value, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "what-provides") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a search term"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: each package "provides" certain things, e.g. mime(gstreamer-decoder-mp3), the user didn't specify it */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package provide string is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_client_what_provides (client_async, filters, PK_PROVIDES_ENUM_CODEC, value, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "get-details") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a package to find the details for"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not provide a package name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_get_details (client_async, value, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "get-files") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a package to find the files for"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user did not provide a package name */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A package name is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_get_files (client_async, value, &error);
} else if (strcmp (mode, "list-create") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a list file to create"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user didn't specify a filename to create as a list */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A list file name to create is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_list_create (client_async, value, &error);
@@ -2041,7 +2074,8 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (strcmp (mode, "list-diff") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a list file to open"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user didn't specify a filename to open as a list */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A list file to open is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_list_diff (client_async, value, &error);
@@ -2049,7 +2083,8 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (strcmp (mode, "list-install") == 0) {
if (value == NULL) {
- error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("You need to specify a list file to open"));
+ /* TRANSLATORS: The user didn't specify a filename to open as a list */
+ error = g_error_new (1, 0, "%s", _("A list file to open is required"));
goto out;
ret = pk_console_list_install (client_async, value, &error);
@@ -2115,7 +2150,7 @@ out:
g_print ("Command failed in an unknown way. Please report!\n");
} else if (g_str_has_prefix (error->message, "org.freedesktop.packagekit.")) {
/* TRANSLATORS: User does not have permission to do this */
- g_print ("%s\n", _("You don't have the necessary privileges for this operation"));
+ g_print ("%s\n", _("Incorrect privileges for this operation"));
} else {
/* TRANSLATORS: Generic failure of what they asked to do */
g_print ("%s: %s\n", _("Command failed"), error->message);
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