[PackageKit-commit] packagekit: Branch 'master' - 20 commits

Richard Hughes hughsient at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Jun 25 09:32:41 PDT 2009

 backends/apt.deprecated/aptBackend.py            |    3 
 backends/apt.deprecated/pk-backend-apt.c         |    2 
 backends/apt/aptBackend.py                       |    3 
 backends/apt/pk-backend-apt.c                    |    2 
 backends/conary/conaryBackend.py                 |    4 
 backends/conary/pk-backend-conary.c              |    2 
 backends/pisi/pisiBackend.py                     |    3 
 backends/pisi/pk-backend-pisi.c                  |    2 
 backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c            |   56 
 backends/portage/portageBackend.py               | 1679 ++++++++++++-----------
 backends/smart/pk-backend-smart.c                |    2 
 backends/smart/smartBackend.py                   |    3 
 backends/urpmi/pk-backend-urpmi.c                |    2 
 backends/yum/pk-backend-yum.c                    |    2 
 backends/yum/yumBackend.py                       |    5 
 configure.ac                                     |   33 
 contrib/Makefile.am                              |    4 
 contrib/PackageKit.spec.in                       |   17 
 contrib/browser-plugin/Makefile.am               |   22 
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/npplat.h          |   64 
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/pluginbase.h      |   96 -
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/np_entry.cpp          |  320 ----
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npn_gate.cpp          |  215 --
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npp_gate.cpp          |  358 ----
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npplat.h              |  100 -
 contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/pluginbase.h          |   20 
 contrib/browser-plugin/src/contents.cpp          |    8 
 contrib/browser-plugin/src/plugin.cpp            |   11 
 contrib/debuginfo-install/.gitignore             |    5 
 contrib/debuginfo-install/Makefile.am            |   35 
 contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.c            |    1 
 contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.h            |    1 
 contrib/debuginfo-install/pk-debuginfo-install.c |  414 +++++
 lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.c                    |    2 
 lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.h                    |    2 
 lib/python/packagekit/backend.py                 |    5 
 src/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction.xml   |    4 
 src/pk-transaction.c                             |   10 
 src/pk-transaction.h                             |    1 
 39 files changed, 1517 insertions(+), 2001 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 8997120905a035dc9ddfa1c67d5a1217bc15b6f0
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 17:28:34 2009 +0100

    Add debuginfo-install functionality as a contrib project

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 144bbe1..8a19e96 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -439,6 +439,13 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(cron, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-cron],[Build cron background functi
 AM_CONDITIONAL(PK_BUILD_CRON, test $build_cron = "yes")
 dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+dnl - Able to build debuginfo-install functionality
+dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(debuginfo-install, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debuginfo-install],[Build debuginfo-install functionality]),
+	      build_debuginfo_install=$enableval,build_debuginfo_install=yes)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(PK_BUILD_DEBUGINFO_INSTALL, test $build_debuginfo_install = "yes")
+dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 dnl - Able to build pm-utils script functionality
 dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(pm_utils, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-pm-utils],[Build pm-utils script functionality]),
@@ -713,6 +720,7 @@ contrib/gtk-module/Makefile
@@ -778,6 +786,7 @@ echo "
         Pango module:              ${build_gtk_module}
         BASH Command not found:    ${build_command_not_found}
         Cron scripts:              ${build_cron}
+        debuginfo-install:         ${build_debuginfo_install}
         pm-utils scripts:          ${build_pm_utils}
         RUCK client:               ${build_ruck}
         QT library:                ${build_qt}
diff --git a/contrib/Makefile.am b/contrib/Makefile.am
index e9f6ae0..6a2d883 100644
--- a/contrib/Makefile.am
+++ b/contrib/Makefile.am
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ if PK_BUILD_CRON
 SUBDIRS += cron
+SUBDIRS += debuginfo-install
 SUBDIRS += pm-utils
diff --git a/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in b/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in
index 7868534..8be4d5f 100644
--- a/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in
+++ b/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in
@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description cron
 Crontab and utilities for running PackageKit as a cron job.
+%package debuginfo-install
+Summary: Facility to install debugging packages using PackageKit
+Group: System Environment/Base
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description debuginfo-install
+Provides facility to install debugging packages using PackageKit.
 %package glib-devel
 Summary: GLib Libraries and headers for PackageKit
 Group: Development/Libraries
@@ -352,6 +360,11 @@ update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :
 %config %{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/packagekit-background.cron
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/packagekit-background
+%files debuginfo-install
 %files browser-plugin
diff --git a/contrib/debuginfo-install/.gitignore b/contrib/debuginfo-install/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53ecb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/debuginfo-install/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/contrib/debuginfo-install/Makefile.am b/contrib/debuginfo-install/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e6779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/debuginfo-install/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+## We require new-style dependency handling.
+INCLUDES =						\
+	$(GLIB_CFLAGS)					\
+	$(DBUS_CFLAGS)					\
+	-DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\"$(localedir)\"		\
+	-DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" 		\
+	-DEGG_LOG_FILE=\""$(PK_LOG_DIR)/PackageKit"\"	\
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/lib
+PK_GLIB_LIBS = $(top_builddir)/lib/packagekit-glib/libpackagekit-glib.la
+libexec_PROGRAMS = pk-debuginfo-install
+pk_debuginfo_install_SOURCES =				\
+	egg-debug.c					\
+	egg-debug.h					\
+	pk-debuginfo-install.c				\
+	$(NULL)
+pk_debuginfo_install_LDADD =				\
+	$(GLIB_LIBS)					\
+	$(DBUS_LIBS)					\
+	$(PK_GLIB_LIBS)					\
+	$(NULL)
+pk_debuginfo_install_CFLAGS =				\
+	$(NULL)
diff --git a/contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.c b/contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.c
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..98fd102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.h b/contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.h
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..13de545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/debuginfo-install/egg-debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/debuginfo-install/pk-debuginfo-install.c b/contrib/debuginfo-install/pk-debuginfo-install.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32524fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/debuginfo-install/pk-debuginfo-install.c
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <packagekit-glib/packagekit.h>
+#include "egg-debug.h"
+ * pk_get_package_name_from_nevra:
+ **/
+static gchar *
+pk_get_package_name_from_nevra (const gchar *nevra)
+	gchar *name = NULL;
+	gchar **split;
+	guint len;
+	/* hal-info-data-version-arch */
+	split = g_strsplit (nevra, "-", -1);
+	len = g_strv_length (split);
+	/* just the package name specified */
+	if (len == 1) {
+		name = g_strdup (split[0]);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* ignore the version */
+	g_free (split[len-2]);
+	split[len-2] = NULL;
+	/* ignore the arch */
+	g_free (split[len-1]);
+	split[len-1] = NULL;
+	/* join up name elements */
+	name = g_strjoinv ("-", split);
+	g_strfreev (split); 
+	return name;
+typedef struct {
+	GPtrArray *enabled;
+	GPtrArray *disabled;
+	PkClient *client;
+} PkPriv;
+ * repo_details_cb:
+ **/
+static void
+repo_details_cb (PkClient *client, const gchar *repo_id, const gchar *description, gboolean enabled, PkPriv *priv)
+	if (enabled)
+		g_ptr_array_add (priv->enabled, g_strdup (repo_id));
+	else
+		g_ptr_array_add (priv->disabled, g_strdup (repo_id));
+ * is_in_array:
+ **/
+static gboolean
+is_in_array (GPtrArray *array, const gchar *text)
+	guint i;
+	gboolean ret = FALSE;
+	const gchar *possible;
+	/* compare each */
+	for (i=0; i<array->len; i++) {
+		possible = g_ptr_array_index (array, i);
+		if (g_strcmp0 (text, possible) == 0) {
+			ret = TRUE;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * enable_repos:
+ **/
+static gboolean
+enable_repos (PkPriv *priv, GPtrArray *array, gboolean enable, GError **error)
+	guint i;
+	gboolean ret = TRUE;
+	const gchar *repo_id;
+	GError *error_local = NULL;
+	/* enable all debuginfo repos we found */
+	for (i=0; i<array->len; i++) {
+		repo_id = g_ptr_array_index (array, i);
+		/* reset client */
+		ret = pk_client_reset (priv->client, &error_local);
+		if (!ret) {
+			*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "failed to reset: %s", error_local->message);
+			g_error_free (error_local);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		/* enable this repo */
+		ret = pk_client_repo_enable (priv->client, repo_id, enable, &error_local);
+		if (!ret) {
+			*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "failed to enable %s: %s", repo_id, error_local->message);
+			g_error_free (error_local);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		egg_warning ("setting %s: %i", repo_id, enable);
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * install_packages:
+ **/
+static gboolean
+install_packages (PkPriv *priv, GPtrArray *array, GError **error)
+	gboolean ret = TRUE;
+	gchar **package_ids;
+	GError *error_local = NULL;
+	/* mush back into a char** */
+	package_ids = pk_package_ids_from_array (array);
+	/* reset client */
+	ret = pk_client_reset (priv->client, &error_local);
+	if (!ret) {
+		*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "failed to reset: %s", error_local->message);
+		g_error_free (error_local);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* enable this repo */
+	ret = pk_client_install_packages (priv->client, TRUE, package_ids, &error_local);
+	if (!ret) {
+		*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "failed to install packages: %s", error_local->message);
+		g_error_free (error_local);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	g_strfreev (package_ids);
+	return ret;
+ * resolve_to_id:
+ **/
+static gchar *
+resolve_to_id (PkPriv *priv, const gchar *package_name, GError **error)
+	gboolean ret;
+	const PkPackageObj *obj;
+	const PkPackageId *id;
+	gchar *package_id = NULL;
+	PkPackageList *list = NULL;
+	GError *error_local = NULL;
+	gchar **names;
+	guint len;
+	/* resolve takes a char** */
+	names = g_strsplit (package_name, ";", -1);
+	/* reset client */
+	ret = pk_client_reset (priv->client, &error_local);
+	if (!ret) {
+		*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "failed to reset: %s", error_local->message);
+		g_error_free (error_local);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* resolve */
+	ret = pk_client_resolve (priv->client, pk_bitfield_from_enums (PK_FILTER_ENUM_NOT_INSTALLED, -1), names, &error_local);
+	if (!ret) {
+		*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "failed to resolve: %s", error_local->message);
+		g_error_free (error_local);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* check we only got one match */
+	list = pk_client_get_package_list (priv->client);
+	len = PK_OBJ_LIST(list)->len;
+	if (len == 0) {
+		*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "no package %s found", package_name);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (len > 1) {
+		*error = g_error_new (1, 0, "more than one package found for %s", package_name);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* get the package id */
+	obj = pk_package_list_get_obj (list, 0);
+	id = pk_package_obj_get_id(obj);
+	package_id = pk_package_id_to_string (id);
+	if (list != NULL)
+		g_object_unref (list);
+	g_strfreev (names);
+	return package_id;
+ * main:
+ **/
+main (int argc, char *argv[])
+	gboolean ret;
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	GPtrArray *added_repos = NULL;
+	GPtrArray *package_ids_to_install = NULL;
+	guint i;
+	gchar *package_id;
+	gchar *name;
+	gchar *name_debuginfo;
+	gboolean verbose = FALSE;
+	GOptionContext *context;
+	const gchar *repo_id;
+	gchar *repo_id_debuginfo;
+	PkPriv _priv;
+	PkPriv *priv = &_priv;
+	const GOptionEntry options[] = {
+		{ "verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose,
+		  _("Show extra debugging information"), NULL },
+		{ NULL}
+	};
+	memset (priv, 0, sizeof (PkPriv));
+	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
+	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
+	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+	if (! g_thread_supported ())
+		g_thread_init (NULL);
+	g_type_init ();
+	context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
+	/* TRANSLATORS: tool that gets called when the command is not found */
+	g_option_context_set_summary (context, _("PackageKit Command Not Found"));
+	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, NULL);
+	g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, NULL);
+	g_option_context_free (context);
+	egg_debug_init (verbose);
+	/* no input */
+	if (argv[1] == NULL) {
+		g_print ("specify packages to install\n");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* store as strings */
+	priv->enabled = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	priv->disabled = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	added_repos = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	package_ids_to_install = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	/* create #PkClient */
+	priv->client = pk_client_new ();
+	g_signal_connect (priv->client, "repo-detail", G_CALLBACK (repo_details_cb), priv);
+	pk_client_set_synchronous (priv->client, TRUE, NULL);
+	pk_client_set_use_buffer (priv->client, TRUE, NULL);
+	/* get all enabled repos */
+	g_print ("1. Getting sources list...");
+	ret = pk_client_get_repo_list (priv->client, PK_FILTER_ENUM_NONE, &error);
+	if (!ret) {
+		g_print ("failed to get repo list: %s", error->message);
+		g_error_free (error);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	g_print ("OK. Found %i enabled and %i disabled sources.\n", priv->enabled->len, priv->disabled->len);
+	/* find all debuginfo repos for repos that are enabled */
+	g_print ("2. Finding debug sources...");
+	for (i=0; i<priv->enabled->len; i++) {
+		/* is already a -debuginfo */
+		repo_id = g_ptr_array_index (priv->enabled, i);
+		if (g_str_has_suffix (repo_id, "-debuginfo")) {
+			egg_debug ("already enabled: %s", repo_id);
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* has a debuginfo repo */
+		repo_id_debuginfo = g_strjoin ("-", repo_id, "debuginfo", NULL);
+		ret = is_in_array (priv->disabled, repo_id_debuginfo);
+		if (ret) {
+			/* add to list to change back at the end */
+			g_ptr_array_add (added_repos, g_strdup (repo_id_debuginfo));
+		} else {
+			egg_debug ("no debuginfo repo for %s", repo_id_debuginfo);
+		}
+		g_free (repo_id_debuginfo);
+	}
+	g_print ("OK. Found %i non-enabled debuginfo repos.\n", added_repos->len);
+	/* enable all debuginfo repos we found */
+	g_print ("3. Enabling debug sources...");
+	ret = enable_repos (priv, added_repos, TRUE, &error);
+	if (!ret) {
+		g_print ("failed to enable repos: %s", error->message);
+		g_error_free (error);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	g_print ("OK. Enabled %i sources.\n", added_repos->len);
+//debuginfo-install bzip2-libs-1.0.5-5.fc11.i586 glib2-2.20.3-1.fc11.i586 libacl-2.2.47-4.fc11.i586 libarchive-2.6.2-1.fc11.i586 lzma-libs-4.32.7-2.fc11.i586 sqlite-3.6.12-3.fc11.i586 zlib-1.2.3-22.fc11.i586
+	/* parse arguments and resolve to packages */
+	g_print ("4. Finding debug packages...");
+	for (i=1; argv[i] != NULL; i++) {
+		name = pk_get_package_name_from_nevra (argv[i]);
+		name_debuginfo = g_strjoin ("-", name, "debuginfo", NULL);
+		egg_debug ("install %s [%s]", argv[i], name_debuginfo);
+		/* resolve name */
+		package_id = resolve_to_id (priv, name_debuginfo, &error);
+		if (package_id == NULL) {
+			g_print ("failed to map package name to an id: %s\n", error->message);
+			g_error_free (error);
+			/* don't quit, this is non-fatal */
+			error = NULL;
+		}
+		/* add to array to install */
+		if (package_id != NULL) {
+			egg_debug ("going to try to install: %s\n", package_id);
+			g_ptr_array_add (package_ids_to_install, g_strdup (package_id));
+		}
+		g_free (name);
+		g_free (name_debuginfo);
+		g_free (package_id);
+	}
+	g_print ("OK. Found %i packages.\n", package_ids_to_install->len);
+	/* install */
+	g_print ("5. Installing packages...");
+	ret = install_packages (priv, package_ids_to_install, &error);
+	if (!ret) {
+		g_print ("failed to install packages: %s", error->message);
+		g_error_free (error);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	g_print ("OK.\n");
+	if (package_ids_to_install != NULL) {
+		g_ptr_array_foreach (package_ids_to_install, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+		g_ptr_array_free (package_ids_to_install, TRUE);
+	}
+	if (added_repos != NULL) {
+		g_print ("6. Disabling sources...");
+		/* disable all debuginfo repos we previously enabled */
+		ret = enable_repos (priv, added_repos, FALSE, &error);
+		if (!ret) {
+			g_print ("failed to enable repos: %s", error->message);
+			g_error_free (error);
+		}
+		g_print ("OK. Disabled %i sources.\n", added_repos->len);
+		g_ptr_array_foreach (added_repos, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+		g_ptr_array_free (added_repos, TRUE);
+	}
+	if (priv->enabled != NULL) {
+		g_ptr_array_foreach (priv->enabled, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+		g_ptr_array_free (priv->enabled, TRUE);
+	}
+	if (priv->disabled != NULL) {
+		g_ptr_array_foreach (priv->disabled, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+		g_ptr_array_free (priv->disabled, TRUE);
+	}
+	if (priv->client != NULL)
+		g_object_unref (priv->client);
+	return 0;
commit 6851660159fcfa3440ee0007c41dcdfea7c9843d
Merge: a3333ef... d34a201...
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 16:47:34 2009 +0100

    Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://hughsie@git.packagekit.org/srv/git/PackageKit

commit d34a201b31a40904f20fcbf59a42194bd3e74dce
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 18:01:22 2009 +0200

    portage: FIX bug, was using default configuration instead of user's one for ACCEPT_KEFWORDS

diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index f570a95..1d6ff76 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
         pkg_keywords, repo = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "repository"])
         pkg_keywords = pkg_keywords.split()
-        sys_keywords = self.portage_settings.configdict["defaults"].get("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS").split()
+        sys_keywords = self.portage_settings.configdict["conf"].get("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS").split()
         keywords = []
         for x in sys_keywords:
commit 8792e50cade8a1a5ca43d4a32d725a9fba78d685
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 17:26:45 2009 +0200

    portage: add filter management for search-file and search-groups

diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index a420416..f570a95 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ from itertools import izip
 #   names a package (an ebuild for portage)
 # TODO:
-# print only found package or every ebuilds ?
+# FREE filter
+# NEWEST filter
+# ERRORS with messages ?
 # Map Gentoo categories to the PackageKit group name space
@@ -257,6 +259,66 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
             return True
         return False
+    def get_all_cp(self, fltlist):
+        # NOTES:
+        # returns a list of cp _BUT_ if filter=installed, returns cpv
+        #
+        # FILTERS:
+        # - installed: ok
+        # - free: ok (should be done with cpv)
+        # - newest: ok (should be finished with cpv)
+        # if installed filter, return vardb.cpv_all
+        # it's a bit weird but with get_all_cpv(cp) return cpv, it could be ok
+        # TODO: ask zmedico
+        if FILTER_INSTALLED in fltlist:
+            return self.vardb.cpv_all()
+        else:
+            return portage.portdb.cp_all()
+    def get_all_cpv(self, cp, fltlist):
+        # NOTES:
+        # returns a list of cpv
+        # TODO: maybe improve filters management ?
+        #
+        # FILTERS:
+        # - installed: ok
+        # - free: TODO
+        # - newest: ok
+        cpv = []
+        # installed filter
+        if FILTER_INSTALLED in fltlist:
+            # special case : cp = cpv
+            cpv.append(cp)
+        elif FILTER_NOT_INSTALLED in fltlist:
+            for x in portage.portdb.match(cp):
+                if not self.is_installed(x):
+                    cpv.append(x)
+        else:
+            cpv = portage.portdb.match(cp)
+        if len(cpv) == 0:
+            return []
+        # newest filter
+        if FILTER_NEWEST in fltlist:
+            if FILTER_INSTALLED in fltlist:
+                return cpv
+            elif FILTER_NOT_INSTALLED in fltlist:
+                return [cpv[-1]]
+            else:
+                if self.is_installed(cpv[-1]):
+                    return [cpv[-1]]
+                else:
+                    for x in cpv:
+                        if self.is_installed(x):
+                            return [x, cpv[-1]]
+                    return [cpv[-1]]
+        return cpv
     def cpv_to_id(self, cpv):
         Transform the cpv (portage) to a package id (packagekit)
@@ -796,11 +858,20 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
     def search_file(self, filters, key):
-        # TODO: manage filters, error if ~installed ?
+        # FILTERS:
+        # - ~installed is not accepted (error)
+        # - free: TODO
+        # - newest: as only installed, by himself
+        fltlist = filters.split(';')
+        if FILTER_NOT_INSTALLED in fltlist:
+            self.error(ERROR_CANNOT_GET_FILELIST,
+                    "search-filelist isn't available with ~installed filter")
+            return
         cpvlist = []
         pkg_processed = 0.0
         nb_pkg = float(len(self.vardb.cpv_all()))
@@ -813,7 +884,8 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
         for cpv in self.vardb.cpv_all():
             cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
             db = portage.dblink(cat, pv, portage.settings["ROOT"],
-                    self.portage_settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=self.vardb)
+                    self.portage_settings, treetype="vartree",
+                    vartree=self.vardb)
             contents = db.getcontents()
             if not contents:
@@ -832,14 +904,15 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
     def search_group(self, filters, group):
-        # TODO: filters
-        for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
+        fltlist = filters.split(';')
+        for cp in self.get_all_cp(fltlist):
             if get_group(cp) == group:
-                for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp):
+                for cpv in self.get_all_cpv(cp, fltlist):
     def search_name(self, filters, key):
commit dd163ce77857560a212bf351c2fd3835a4bf0f51
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 17:26:14 2009 +0200

    Add errors when backend can't get filelist or can't get requires packages

diff --git a/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.c b/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.c
index 80bcd81..9d28b71 100644
--- a/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.c
+++ b/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.c
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ static const PkEnumMatch enum_error[] = {
 	{PK_ERROR_ENUM_UPDATE_NOT_FOUND,	"update-not-found"},
 	{PK_ERROR_ENUM_CANNOT_INSTALL_REPO_UNSIGNED,	"cannot-install-repo-unsigned"},
 	{PK_ERROR_ENUM_CANNOT_UPDATE_REPO_UNSIGNED,	"cannot-update-repo-unsigned"},
+	{PK_ERROR_ENUM_CANNOT_GET_FILELIST, "cannot-get-filelist"},
+	{PK_ERROR_ENUM_CANNOT_GET_REQUIRES, "cannot-get-requires"},
 	{0, NULL}
diff --git a/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.h b/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.h
index f0cbf47..a437f53 100644
--- a/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.h
+++ b/lib/packagekit-glib/pk-enum.h
@@ -293,6 +293,8 @@ typedef enum {
 } PkErrorCodeEnum;
commit a3333efed6c2ee76517a93084e8eb8be7f9b3d14
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 15:37:29 2009 +0100

    yum: Fix up the logic in RepoEnable

diff --git a/backends/yum/yumBackend.py b/backends/yum/yumBackend.py
index bb6f105..8ab79f1 100755
--- a/backends/yum/yumBackend.py
+++ b/backends/yum/yumBackend.py
@@ -2253,7 +2253,7 @@ class PackageKitYumBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
             repo = self.yumbase.repos.getRepo(repoid)
-            if enable:
+            if not enable:
                 if repo.isEnabled():
commit 6aee3cd3a4ba755a6234506fa82c782608950de9
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 14:06:48 2009 +0200

    portage: take a position for supported filters

diff --git a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
index 565178c..172a7aa 100644
--- a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
+++ b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
@@ -100,21 +100,18 @@ static PkBitfield
 backend_get_filters (PkBackend *backend)
 	return pk_bitfield_from_enums (
+	/*
+	 * These filters are candidate for further add:
+	 * PK_FILTER_ENUM_GUI	(need new PROPERTIES entry)
+	 * PK_FILTER_ENUM_ARCH (need some work, see ML)
+	 * PK_FILTER_ENUM_SOURCE (need some work/support, see ML)
+	 */
@@ -414,9 +411,9 @@ PK_BACKEND_OPTIONS (
 	backend_refresh_cache,			/* refresh_cache */
 	backend_remove_packages,		/* remove_packages */
 	backend_repo_enable,			/* repo_enable */
-	NULL, // TODO: probably not			/* repo_set_data */
+	NULL,			/* repo_set_data */
 	backend_resolve,			/* resolve */
-	NULL, // TODO: probably in a long time			/* rollback */
+	NULL,			/* rollback */
 	backend_search_details,			/* search_details */
 	backend_search_file,			/* search_file */
 	backend_search_group,			/* search_group */
commit 2d3472acbeacebd3aed0b9462b6de7e57704ae6c
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 12:59:56 2009 +0100

    Require new style xulrunner headers (breaks compile on F10, but simplifies code)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 22051ef..144bbe1 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -366,14 +366,12 @@ if test x$enable_browser_plugin = xyes; then
 	if test $build_browser_plugin = "yes"; then
+		# check we have xulrunner headers
-		AC_CHECK_HEADER(npfunctions.h, xulrunner_plugin_new=yes, xulrunner_plugin_new=no)
+		AC_CHECK_HEADER(npfunctions.h, have_xulrunner_npfunctions=yes, have_xulrunner_npfunctions=no)
@@ -385,12 +383,16 @@ if test x$enable_browser_plugin = xyes; then
+		# not got headers
+		if test $have_xulrunner_npfunctions = "no"; then
+			build_browser_plugin=no
+		fi
 AM_CONDITIONAL(PK_BUILD_BROWSER_PLUGIN, test $build_browser_plugin = "yes")
-AM_CONDITIONAL(PK_XULRUNNER_PLUGIN_NEW, test $xulrunner_plugin_new = "yes")
 dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 dnl - Able to build gstreamer plugin
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/Makefile.am b/contrib/browser-plugin/Makefile.am
index 1f563d8..535456c 100644
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/Makefile.am
+++ b/contrib/browser-plugin/Makefile.am
@@ -6,37 +6,21 @@ packagekit_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS =			\
 	-DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\"$(localedir)\"	\
 	-DXP_UNIX				\
+	-I$(srcdir)/sdk				\
-packagekit_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(srcdir)/sdk-new
-packagekit_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(srcdir)/sdk
 packagekit_plugin_la_LIBADD =			\
 packagekit_plugin_la_SOURCES =			\
+	sdk/npplat.h				\
+	sdk/pluginbase.h			\
 	src/contents.cpp			\
 	src/contents.h				\
 	src/plugin.cpp				\
-packagekit_plugin_la_SOURCES +=			\
-	sdk-new/npplat.h			\
-	sdk-new/pluginbase.h
-packagekit_plugin_la_SOURCES +=			\
-	sdk/np_entry.cpp			\
-	sdk/npn_gate.cpp			\
-	sdk/npp_gate.cpp			\
-	sdk/npplat.h				\
-	sdk/pluginbase.h
 EXTRA_DIST =					\
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/npplat.h b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/npplat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d426a88..0000000
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/npplat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-#ifndef npplat_h_
-#define npplat_h_
-#include "npapi.h"
-#include "npfunctions.h"
-#ifdef XP_WIN
-#include "windows.h"
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef XP_MAC
-#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-#ifndef HIBYTE
-#define HIBYTE(i) (i >> 8)
-#ifndef LOBYTE
-#define LOBYTE(i) (i & 0xff)
-#endif // npplat_h_
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/pluginbase.h b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/pluginbase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1168bca..0000000
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk-new/pluginbase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-#ifndef pluginbase_h_
-#define pluginbase_h_
-#include "npplat.h"
-struct nsPluginCreateData
-  NPP instance;
-  NPMIMEType type; 
-  uint16_t mode; 
-  int16_t argc; 
-  char** argn; 
-  char** argv; 
-  NPSavedData* saved;
-class nsPluginInstanceBase
-  // these three methods must be implemented in the derived
-  // class platform specific way
-  virtual NPBool init(NPWindow* aWindow) = 0;
-  virtual void shut() = 0;
-  virtual NPBool isInitialized() = 0;
-  // implement all or part of those methods in the derived 
-  // class as needed
-  virtual NPError SetWindow(NPWindow* pNPWindow)                    { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
-  virtual NPError NewStream(NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, 
-                            NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype)       { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
-  virtual NPError DestroyStream(NPStream *stream, NPError reason)   { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
-  virtual void    StreamAsFile(NPStream* stream, const char* fname) { return; }
-  virtual int32_t WriteReady(NPStream *stream)                      { return 0x0fffffff; }
-  virtual int32_t Write(NPStream *stream, int32_t offset, 
-                        int32_t len, void *buffer)                  { return len; }
-  virtual void    Print(NPPrint* printInfo)                         { return; }
-  virtual uint16_t HandleEvent(void* event)                         { return 0; }
-  virtual void    URLNotify(const char* url, NPReason reason, 
-                            void* notifyData)                       { return; }
-  virtual NPError GetValue(NPPVariable variable, void *value)       { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
-  virtual NPError SetValue(NPNVariable variable, void *value)       { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
-// functions that should be implemented for each specific plugin
-// creation and destruction of the object of the derived class
-nsPluginInstanceBase * NS_NewPluginInstance(nsPluginCreateData * aCreateDataStruct);
-void NS_DestroyPluginInstance(nsPluginInstanceBase * aPlugin);
-// global plugin initialization and shutdown
-NPError NS_PluginInitialize();
-void NS_PluginShutdown();
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-// global to get plugins name & description 
-NPError NS_PluginGetValue(NPPVariable aVariable, void *aValue);
-#endif // pluginbase_h_
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/np_entry.cpp b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/np_entry.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05323e9..0000000
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/np_entry.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-// Main plugin entry point implementation -- exports from the 
-// plugin library
-#include "npplat.h"
-#include "pluginbase.h"
-NPNetscapeFuncs NPNFuncs;
-NPError OSCALL NP_Shutdown()
-  NS_PluginShutdown();
-  return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-static NPError fillPluginFunctionTable(NPPluginFuncs* aNPPFuncs)
-  if(aNPPFuncs == NULL)
-  // Set up the plugin function table that Netscape will use to
-  // call us. Netscape needs to know about our version and size   
-  // and have a UniversalProcPointer for every function we implement.
-  aNPPFuncs->version       = (NP_VERSION_MAJOR << 8) | NP_VERSION_MINOR;
-#ifdef XP_MAC
-  aNPPFuncs->newp          = NewNPP_NewProc(Private_New);
-  aNPPFuncs->destroy       = NewNPP_DestroyProc(Private_Destroy);
-  aNPPFuncs->setwindow     = NewNPP_SetWindowProc(Private_SetWindow);
-  aNPPFuncs->newstream     = NewNPP_NewStreamProc(Private_NewStream);
-  aNPPFuncs->destroystream = NewNPP_DestroyStreamProc(Private_DestroyStream);
-  aNPPFuncs->asfile        = NewNPP_StreamAsFileProc(Private_StreamAsFile);
-  aNPPFuncs->writeready    = NewNPP_WriteReadyProc(Private_WriteReady);
-  aNPPFuncs->write         = NewNPP_WriteProc(Private_Write);
-  aNPPFuncs->print         = NewNPP_PrintProc(Private_Print);
-  aNPPFuncs->event         = NewNPP_HandleEventProc(Private_HandleEvent);	
-  aNPPFuncs->urlnotify     = NewNPP_URLNotifyProc(Private_URLNotify);			
-  aNPPFuncs->getvalue      = NewNPP_GetValueProc(Private_GetValue);
-  aNPPFuncs->setvalue      = NewNPP_SetValueProc(Private_SetValue);
-  aNPPFuncs->newp          = NPP_New;
-  aNPPFuncs->destroy       = NPP_Destroy;
-  aNPPFuncs->setwindow     = NPP_SetWindow;
-  aNPPFuncs->newstream     = NPP_NewStream;
-  aNPPFuncs->destroystream = NPP_DestroyStream;
-  aNPPFuncs->asfile        = NPP_StreamAsFile;
-  aNPPFuncs->writeready    = NPP_WriteReady;
-  aNPPFuncs->write         = NPP_Write;
-  aNPPFuncs->print         = NPP_Print;
-  aNPPFuncs->event         = NPP_HandleEvent;
-  aNPPFuncs->urlnotify     = NPP_URLNotify;
-  aNPPFuncs->getvalue      = NPP_GetValue;
-  aNPPFuncs->setvalue      = NPP_SetValue;
-#ifdef OJI
-  aNPPFuncs->javaClass     = NULL;
-  return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-static NPError fillNetscapeFunctionTable(NPNetscapeFuncs* aNPNFuncs)
-  if(aNPNFuncs == NULL)
-  if(HIBYTE(aNPNFuncs->version) > NP_VERSION_MAJOR)
-  if(aNPNFuncs->size < sizeof(NPNetscapeFuncs))
-  NPNFuncs.size             = aNPNFuncs->size;
-  NPNFuncs.version          = aNPNFuncs->version;
-  NPNFuncs.geturlnotify     = aNPNFuncs->geturlnotify;
-  NPNFuncs.geturl           = aNPNFuncs->geturl;
-  NPNFuncs.posturlnotify    = aNPNFuncs->posturlnotify;
-  NPNFuncs.posturl          = aNPNFuncs->posturl;
-  NPNFuncs.requestread      = aNPNFuncs->requestread;
-  NPNFuncs.newstream        = aNPNFuncs->newstream;
-  NPNFuncs.write            = aNPNFuncs->write;
-  NPNFuncs.destroystream    = aNPNFuncs->destroystream;
-  NPNFuncs.status           = aNPNFuncs->status;
-  NPNFuncs.uagent           = aNPNFuncs->uagent;
-  NPNFuncs.memalloc         = aNPNFuncs->memalloc;
-  NPNFuncs.memfree          = aNPNFuncs->memfree;
-  NPNFuncs.memflush         = aNPNFuncs->memflush;
-  NPNFuncs.reloadplugins    = aNPNFuncs->reloadplugins;
-#ifdef OJI
-  NPNFuncs.getJavaEnv       = aNPNFuncs->getJavaEnv;
-  NPNFuncs.getJavaPeer      = aNPNFuncs->getJavaPeer;
-  NPNFuncs.getvalue         = aNPNFuncs->getvalue;
-  NPNFuncs.setvalue         = aNPNFuncs->setvalue;
-  NPNFuncs.invalidaterect   = aNPNFuncs->invalidaterect;
-  NPNFuncs.invalidateregion = aNPNFuncs->invalidateregion;
-  NPNFuncs.forceredraw      = aNPNFuncs->forceredraw;
-  return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-// Some exports are different on different platforms
-/*                                                */
-/*                   Windows                      */
-/*                                                */
-#ifdef XP_WIN
-NPError OSCALL NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* aNPNFuncs)
-  NPError rv = fillNetscapeFunctionTable(aNPNFuncs);
-  if(rv != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
-    return rv;
-  return NS_PluginInitialize();
-NPError OSCALL NP_GetEntryPoints(NPPluginFuncs* aNPPFuncs)
-  return fillPluginFunctionTable(aNPPFuncs);
-#endif //XP_WIN
-/*                                                */
-/*                    Unix                        */
-/*                                                */
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-NPError NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* aNPNFuncs, NPPluginFuncs* aNPPFuncs)
-  NPError rv = fillNetscapeFunctionTable(aNPNFuncs);
-  if(rv != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
-    return rv;
-  rv = fillPluginFunctionTable(aNPPFuncs);
-  if(rv != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
-    return rv;
-  return NS_PluginInitialize();
-char * NP_GetMIMEDescription(void)
-  return NPP_GetMIMEDescription();
-NPError NP_GetValue(void *future, NPPVariable aVariable, void *aValue)
-  return NS_PluginGetValue(aVariable, aValue);
-#endif //XP_UNIX
-/*                                                */
-/*                     Mac                        */
-/*                                                */
-#ifdef XP_MAC
-QDGlobals* gQDPtr; // Pointer to Netscape's QuickDraw globals
-short gResFile; // Refnum of the plugin's resource file
-NPError Private_Initialize(void)
-  NPError rv = NS_PluginInitialize();
-  return rv;
-void Private_Shutdown(void)
-  NS_PluginShutdown();
-  __destroy_global_chain();
-void SetUpQD(void);
-void SetUpQD(void)
-  ProcessSerialNumber PSN;
-  FSSpec              myFSSpec;
-  Str63               name;
-  ProcessInfoRec      infoRec;
-  OSErr               result = noErr;
-  CFragConnectionID   connID;
-  Str255              errName;
-  // Memorize the plugin¹s resource file refnum for later use.
-  gResFile = CurResFile();
-  // Ask the system if CFM is available.
-  long response;
-  OSErr err = Gestalt(gestaltCFMAttr, &response);
-  Boolean hasCFM = BitTst(&response, 31-gestaltCFMPresent);
-  if (hasCFM) {
-    // GetProcessInformation takes a process serial number and 
-    // will give us back the name and FSSpec of the application.
-    // See the Process Manager in IM.
-    infoRec.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
-    infoRec.processName = name;
-    infoRec.processAppSpec = &myFSSpec;
-    PSN.highLongOfPSN = 0;
-    PSN.lowLongOfPSN = kCurrentProcess;
-    result = GetProcessInformation(&PSN, &infoRec);
-  }
-	else
-    // If no CFM installed, assume it must be a 68K app.
-    result = -1;		
-  if (result == noErr) {
-    // Now that we know the app name and FSSpec, we can call GetDiskFragment
-    // to get a connID to use in a subsequent call to FindSymbol (it will also
-    // return the address of ³main² in app, which we ignore).  If GetDiskFragment 
-    // returns an error, we assume the app must be 68K.
-    Ptr mainAddr; 	
-    result =  GetDiskFragment(infoRec.processAppSpec, 0L, 0L, infoRec.processName,
-                              kReferenceCFrag, &connID, (Ptr*)&mainAddr, errName);
-  }
-  if (result == noErr) {
-    // The app is a PPC code fragment, so call FindSymbol
-    // to get the exported ³qd² symbol so we can access its
-    // QuickDraw globals.
-    CFragSymbolClass symClass;
-    result = FindSymbol(connID, "\pqd", (Ptr*)&gQDPtr, &symClass);
-  }
-  else {
-    // The app is 68K, so use its A5 to compute the address
-    // of its QuickDraw globals.
-    gQDPtr = (QDGlobals*)(*((long*)SetCurrentA5()) - (sizeof(QDGlobals) - sizeof(GrafPtr)));
-  }
-#endif /* !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON */
-NPError main(NPNetscapeFuncs* nsTable, NPPluginFuncs* pluginFuncs, NPP_ShutdownUPP* unloadUpp);
-#pragma export on
-RoutineDescriptor mainRD = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppNPP_MainEntryProcInfo, main);
-#pragma export off
-#endif /* !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON */
-NPError main(NPNetscapeFuncs* aNPNFuncs, NPPluginFuncs* aNPPFuncs, NPP_ShutdownUPP* aUnloadUpp)
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-  if (aUnloadUpp == NULL)
-  if (rv == NPERR_NO_ERROR)
-    rv = fillNetscapeFunctionTable(aNPNFuncs);
-  if (rv == NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
-    // defer static constructors until the global functions are initialized.
-    __InitCode__();
-    rv = fillPluginFunctionTable(aNPPFuncs);
-  }
-  *aUnloadUpp = NewNPP_ShutdownProc(Private_Shutdown);
-  SetUpQD();
-  rv = Private_Initialize();
-  return rv;
-#endif //XP_MAC
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npn_gate.cpp b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npn_gate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f5caa32..0000000
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npn_gate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-// Implementation of Netscape entry points (NPN_*)
-#include "npplat.h"
-extern NPNetscapeFuncs NPNFuncs;
-void NPN_Version(int* plugin_major, int* plugin_minor, int* netscape_major, int* netscape_minor)
-  *plugin_major   = NP_VERSION_MAJOR;
-  *plugin_minor   = NP_VERSION_MINOR;
-  *netscape_major = HIBYTE(NPNFuncs.version);
-  *netscape_minor = LOBYTE(NPNFuncs.version);
-NPError NPN_GetURLNotify(NPP instance, const char *url, const char *target, void* notifyData)
-	int navMinorVers = NPNFuncs.version & 0xFF;
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-  if( navMinorVers >= NPVERS_HAS_NOTIFICATION )
-		rv = CallNPN_GetURLNotifyProc(NPNFuncs.geturlnotify, instance, url, target, notifyData);
-	else
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_GetURL(NPP instance, const char *url, const char *target)
-  NPError rv = CallNPN_GetURLProc(NPNFuncs.geturl, instance, url, target);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_PostURLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* window, uint32 len, const char* buf, NPBool file, void* notifyData)
-	int navMinorVers = NPNFuncs.version & 0xFF;
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-	if( navMinorVers >= NPVERS_HAS_NOTIFICATION )
-		rv = CallNPN_PostURLNotifyProc(NPNFuncs.posturlnotify, instance, url, window, len, buf, file, notifyData);
-	else
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_PostURL(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* window, uint32 len, const char* buf, NPBool file)
-  NPError rv = CallNPN_PostURLProc(NPNFuncs.posturl, instance, url, window, len, buf, file);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_RequestRead(NPStream* stream, NPByteRange* rangeList)
-  NPError rv = CallNPN_RequestReadProc(NPNFuncs.requestread, stream, rangeList);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, const char* target, NPStream** stream)
-	int navMinorVersion = NPNFuncs.version & 0xFF;
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-	if( navMinorVersion >= NPVERS_HAS_STREAMOUTPUT )
-		rv = CallNPN_NewStreamProc(NPNFuncs.newstream, instance, type, target, stream);
-	else
-  return rv;
-int32 NPN_Write(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 len, void *buffer)
-	int navMinorVersion = NPNFuncs.version & 0xFF;
-  int32 rv = 0;
-  if( navMinorVersion >= NPVERS_HAS_STREAMOUTPUT )
-		rv = CallNPN_WriteProc(NPNFuncs.write, instance, stream, len, buffer);
-	else
-		rv = -1;
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPError reason)
-	int navMinorVersion = NPNFuncs.version & 0xFF;
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-  if( navMinorVersion >= NPVERS_HAS_STREAMOUTPUT )
-		rv = CallNPN_DestroyStreamProc(NPNFuncs.destroystream, instance, stream, reason);
-	else
-  return rv;
-void NPN_Status(NPP instance, const char *message)
-  CallNPN_StatusProc(NPNFuncs.status, instance, message);
-const char* NPN_UserAgent(NPP instance)
-  const char * rv = NULL;
-  rv = CallNPN_UserAgentProc(NPNFuncs.uagent, instance);
-  return rv;
-void* NPN_MemAlloc(uint32 size)
-  void * rv = NULL;
-  rv = CallNPN_MemAllocProc(NPNFuncs.memalloc, size);
-  return rv;
-void NPN_MemFree(void* ptr)
-  CallNPN_MemFreeProc(NPNFuncs.memfree, ptr);
-uint32 NPN_MemFlush(uint32 size)
-  uint32 rv = CallNPN_MemFlushProc(NPNFuncs.memflush, size);
-  return rv;
-void NPN_ReloadPlugins(NPBool reloadPages)
-  CallNPN_ReloadPluginsProc(NPNFuncs.reloadplugins, reloadPages);
-#ifdef OJI
-JRIEnv* NPN_GetJavaEnv(void)
-  JRIEnv * rv = NULL;
-	rv = CallNPN_GetJavaEnvProc(NPNFuncs.getJavaEnv);
-  return rv;
-jref NPN_GetJavaPeer(NPP instance)
-  jref rv;
-  rv = CallNPN_GetJavaPeerProc(NPNFuncs.getJavaPeer, instance);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_GetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value)
-  NPError rv = CallNPN_GetValueProc(NPNFuncs.getvalue, instance, variable, value);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPN_SetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
-  NPError rv = CallNPN_SetValueProc(NPNFuncs.setvalue, instance, variable, value);
-  return rv;
-void NPN_InvalidateRect(NPP instance, NPRect *invalidRect)
-  CallNPN_InvalidateRectProc(NPNFuncs.invalidaterect, instance, invalidRect);
-void NPN_InvalidateRegion(NPP instance, NPRegion invalidRegion)
-  CallNPN_InvalidateRegionProc(NPNFuncs.invalidateregion, instance, invalidRegion);
-void NPN_ForceRedraw(NPP instance)
-  CallNPN_ForceRedrawProc(NPNFuncs.forceredraw, instance);
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npp_gate.cpp b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npp_gate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e22783..0000000
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npp_gate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-// Implementation of plugin entry points (NPP_*)
-#include "pluginbase.h"
-// here the plugin creates a plugin instance object which 
-// will be associated with this newly created NPP instance and 
-// will do all the necessary job
-NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-  // create a new plugin instance object
-  // initialization will be done when the associated window is ready
-  nsPluginCreateData ds;
-  ds.instance = instance;
-  ds.type     = pluginType; 
-  ds.mode     = mode; 
-  ds.argc     = argc; 
-  ds.argn     = argn; 
-  ds.argv     = argv; 
-  ds.saved    = saved;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = NS_NewPluginInstance(&ds);
-  if(plugin == NULL)
-  // associate the plugin instance object with NPP instance
-  instance->pdata = (void *)plugin;
-  return rv;
-// here is the place to clean up and destroy the nsPluginInstance object
-NPError NPP_Destroy (NPP instance, NPSavedData** save)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin != NULL) {
-    plugin->shut();
-    NS_DestroyPluginInstance(plugin);
-  }
-  return rv;
-// during this call we know when the plugin window is ready or
-// is about to be destroyed so we can do some gui specific
-// initialization and shutdown
-NPError NPP_SetWindow (NPP instance, NPWindow* pNPWindow)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  NPError rv = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-  if(pNPWindow == NULL)
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-  // window just created
-  if(!plugin->isInitialized() && (pNPWindow->window != NULL)) { 
-    if(!plugin->init(pNPWindow)) {
-      NS_DestroyPluginInstance(plugin);
-    }
-  }
-  // window goes away
-  if((pNPWindow->window == NULL) && plugin->isInitialized())
-    return plugin->SetWindow(pNPWindow);
-  // window resized?
-  if(plugin->isInitialized() && (pNPWindow->window != NULL))
-    return plugin->SetWindow(pNPWindow);
-  // this should not happen, nothing to do
-  if((pNPWindow->window == NULL) && !plugin->isInitialized())
-    return plugin->SetWindow(pNPWindow);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPP_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16* stype)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-  NPError rv = plugin->NewStream(type, stream, seekable, stype);
-  return rv;
-int32 NPP_WriteReady (NPP instance, NPStream *stream)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-    return 0x0fffffff;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-    return 0x0fffffff;
-  int32 rv = plugin->WriteReady(stream);
-  return rv;
-int32 NPP_Write (NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void *buffer)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-    return len;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-    return len;
-  int32 rv = plugin->Write(stream, offset, len, buffer);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPP_DestroyStream (NPP instance, NPStream *stream, NPError reason)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-  NPError rv = plugin->DestroyStream(stream, reason);
-  return rv;
-void NPP_StreamAsFile (NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-    return;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-    return;
-  plugin->StreamAsFile(stream, fname);
-void NPP_Print (NPP instance, NPPrint* printInfo)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-    return;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-    return;
-  plugin->Print(printInfo);
-void NPP_URLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-    return;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-    return;
-  plugin->URLNotify(url, reason, notifyData);
-NPError	NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-  NPError rv = plugin->GetValue(variable, value);
-  return rv;
-NPError NPP_SetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-  NPError rv = plugin->SetValue(variable, value);
-  return rv;
-int16	NPP_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event)
-  if(instance == NULL)
-    return 0;
-  nsPluginInstanceBase * plugin = (nsPluginInstanceBase *)instance->pdata;
-  if(plugin == NULL) 
-    return 0;
-  uint16 rv = plugin->HandleEvent(event);
-  return rv;
-#ifdef OJI
-jref NPP_GetJavaClass (void)
-  return NULL;
-/*                                                */
-/*                     Mac                        */
-/*                                                */
-// Mac needs these wrappers, see npplat.h for more info
-#ifdef XP_MAC
-NPError	Private_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved)
-  NPError rv = NPP_New(pluginType, instance, mode, argc, argn, argv, saved);
-  return rv;	
-NPError Private_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save)
-  NPError rv = NPP_Destroy(instance, save);
-  return rv;
-NPError Private_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window)
-  NPError rv = NPP_SetWindow(instance, window);
-  return rv;
-NPError Private_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16* stype)
-  NPError rv = NPP_NewStream(instance, type, stream, seekable, stype);
-  return rv;
-int32 Private_WriteReady(NPP instance, NPStream* stream)
-  int32 rv = NPP_WriteReady(instance, stream);
-  return rv;
-int32 Private_Write(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void* buffer)
-  int32 rv = NPP_Write(instance, stream, offset, len, buffer);
-  return rv;
-void Private_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname)
-  NPP_StreamAsFile(instance, stream, fname);
-NPError Private_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPError reason)
-  NPError rv = NPP_DestroyStream(instance, stream, reason);
-  return rv;
-int16 Private_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event)
-  int16 rv = NPP_HandleEvent(instance, event);
-  return rv;
-void Private_Print(NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint)
-  NPP_Print(instance, platformPrint);
-void Private_URLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData)
-  NPP_URLNotify(instance, url, reason, notifyData);
-jref Private_GetJavaClass(void)
-  return NULL;
-NPError Private_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *result)
-  NPError rv = NPP_GetValue(instance, variable, result);
-  return rv;
-NPError Private_SetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value)
-  NPError rv = NPP_SetValue(instance, variable, value);
-  return rv;
-#endif //XP_MAC
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npplat.h b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npplat.h
index 637ac36..d426a88 100644
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npplat.h
+++ b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/npplat.h
@@ -35,110 +35,24 @@
  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-#ifndef _NPPLAT_H_
-#define _NPPLAT_H_
+#ifndef npplat_h_
+#define npplat_h_
 #include "npapi.h"
-#include "npupp.h"
+#include "npfunctions.h"
-/*                                                */
-/*                   Windows                      */
-/*                                                */
 #ifdef XP_WIN
 #include "windows.h"
-#endif //XP_WIN
-/*                                                */
-/*                    Unix                        */
-/*                                                */
 #ifdef XP_UNIX
 #include <stdio.h>
-#endif //XP_UNIX
-/*                                                */
-/*                     Mac                        */
-/*                                                */
-#ifdef XP_MAC
-#include <Processes.h>
-#include <Gestalt.h>
-#include <CodeFragments.h>
-#include <Timer.h>
-#include <Resources.h>
-#include <ToolUtils.h>
-#include "jri.h"
-// The Mixed Mode procInfos defined in npupp.h assume Think C-
-// style calling conventions.  These conventions are used by
-// Metrowerks with the exception of pointer return types, which
-// in Metrowerks 68K are returned in A0, instead of the standard
-// D0. Thus, since NPN_MemAlloc and NPN_UserAgent return pointers,
-// Mixed Mode will return the values to a 68K plugin in D0, but 
-// a 68K plugin compiled by Metrowerks will expect the result in
-// A0.  The following pragma forces Metrowerks to use D0 instead.
-#ifdef __MWERKS__
-#ifndef powerc
-#pragma pointers_in_D0
-#ifdef __MWERKS__
-#ifndef powerc
-#pragma pointers_in_A0
+#ifdef XP_MAC
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-// The following fix for static initializers (which fixes a preious
-// incompatibility with some parts of PowerPlant, was submitted by 
-// Jan Ulbrich.
-#ifdef __MWERKS__
-	#ifdef __cplusplus
-	extern "C" {
-	#endif
-		#ifndef powerc
-			extern void	__InitCode__(void);
-		#else
-			extern void __sinit(void);
-			#define __InitCode__ __sinit
-		#endif
-		extern void	__destroy_global_chain(void);
-	#ifdef __cplusplus
-	}
-	#endif // __cplusplus
-#endif // __MWERKS__
-// Wrapper functions for all calls from Netscape to the plugin.
-// These functions let the plugin developer just create the APIs
-// as documented and defined in npapi.h, without needing to 
-// install those functions in the function table or worry about
-// setting up globals for 68K plugins.
-NPError Private_Initialize(void);
-void    Private_Shutdown(void);
-NPError Private_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved);
-NPError Private_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save);
-NPError Private_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window);
-NPError Private_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16* stype);
-NPError Private_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPError reason);
-int32   Private_WriteReady(NPP instance, NPStream* stream);
-int32   Private_Write(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void* buffer);
-void    Private_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname);
-void    Private_Print(NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint);
-int16   Private_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event);
-void    Private_URLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData);
-jref    Private_GetJavaClass(void);
-NPError Private_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *result);
-NPError Private_SetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value);
-#endif //XP_MAC
 #ifndef HIBYTE
 #define HIBYTE(i) (i >> 8)
@@ -147,4 +61,4 @@ NPError Private_SetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value);
 #define LOBYTE(i) (i & 0xff)
-#endif //_NPPLAT_H_
+#endif // npplat_h_
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/pluginbase.h b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/pluginbase.h
index b7e3327..1168bca 100644
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/pluginbase.h
+++ b/contrib/browser-plugin/sdk/pluginbase.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+#ifndef pluginbase_h_
+#define pluginbase_h_
 #include "npplat.h"
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ struct nsPluginCreateData
   NPP instance;
   NPMIMEType type; 
-  uint16 mode; 
-  int16 argc; 
+  uint16_t mode; 
+  int16_t argc; 
   char** argn; 
   char** argv; 
   NPSavedData* saved;
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ public:
   // class as needed
   virtual NPError SetWindow(NPWindow* pNPWindow)                    { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
   virtual NPError NewStream(NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, 
-                            NPBool seekable, uint16* stype)         { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
+                            NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype)       { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
   virtual NPError DestroyStream(NPStream *stream, NPError reason)   { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
   virtual void    StreamAsFile(NPStream* stream, const char* fname) { return; }
-  virtual int32   WriteReady(NPStream *stream)                      { return 0x0fffffff; }
-  virtual int32   Write(NPStream *stream, int32 offset, 
-                        int32 len, void *buffer)                    { return len; }
+  virtual int32_t WriteReady(NPStream *stream)                      { return 0x0fffffff; }
+  virtual int32_t Write(NPStream *stream, int32_t offset, 
+                        int32_t len, void *buffer)                  { return len; }
   virtual void    Print(NPPrint* printInfo)                         { return; }
-  virtual uint16  HandleEvent(void* event)                          { return 0; }
+  virtual uint16_t HandleEvent(void* event)                         { return 0; }
   virtual void    URLNotify(const char* url, NPReason reason, 
                             void* notifyData)                       { return; }
   virtual NPError GetValue(NPPVariable variable, void *value)       { return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
@@ -93,4 +93,4 @@ void NS_PluginShutdown();
 NPError NS_PluginGetValue(NPPVariable aVariable, void *aValue);
+#endif // pluginbase_h_
commit 1c13c765c7ea6d6b8d5c434cd53bcd350974e49c
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 12:22:23 2009 +0100

    Depend on gtk2+ >= 2.14.0 for the browser plugin

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 53fdcc8..22051ef 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -354,12 +354,17 @@ dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(browser_plugin, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-browser-plugin],[Build browser plugin functionality]),
 if test x$enable_browser_plugin = xyes; then
-	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PK_BROWSER_PLUGIN, mozilla-plugin gio-unix-2.0 cairo pango gtk+-2.0 dbus-glib-1,
-	                  build_browser_plugin=yes, build_browser_plugin=no)
+			  mozilla-plugin	\
+			  gio-unix-2.0		\
+			  cairo			\
+			  pango			\
+			  gtk+-2.0 >= 2.14.0	\
+			  dbus-glib-1,
+			  build_browser_plugin=yes, build_browser_plugin=no)
 	if test $build_browser_plugin = "yes"; then
-		# Check if we have GdkAppLaunchContext (new in GTK+-2.14)
@@ -367,7 +372,6 @@ if test x$enable_browser_plugin = xyes; then
-		AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gdk_app_launch_context_new)
 		AC_CHECK_HEADER(npfunctions.h, xulrunner_plugin_new=yes, xulrunner_plugin_new=no)
diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/src/contents.cpp b/contrib/browser-plugin/src/contents.cpp
index a30f3e1..3de2b4a 100644
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/src/contents.cpp
+++ b/contrib/browser-plugin/src/contents.cpp
@@ -648,9 +648,7 @@ void
 PkpContents::runApplication (Time time)
 	GError *error = NULL;
 	GdkAppLaunchContext *context;
 	if (mAppInfo == 0) {
 		g_warning("Didn't find application to launch");
@@ -660,22 +658,16 @@ PkpContents::runApplication (Time time)
 	if (time == 0)
 		time = get_server_timestamp();
 	context = gdk_app_launch_context_new();
 	gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp(context, time);
 	if (!g_app_info_launch(mAppInfo, NULL, G_APP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT (context), &error)) {
-	if (!g_app_info_launch(mAppInfo, NULL, NULL, &error)) {
 		g_warning("%s\n", error->message);
 	if (context != NULL)
commit 2af53a2dfd3568503178518fb37e04defd348c92
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 12:04:39 2009 +0100

    Make the PackageKit plugin available to firefox

diff --git a/contrib/browser-plugin/src/plugin.cpp b/contrib/browser-plugin/src/plugin.cpp
index 565e8b3..e0aef5b 100644
--- a/contrib/browser-plugin/src/plugin.cpp
+++ b/contrib/browser-plugin/src/plugin.cpp
@@ -50,12 +50,11 @@
 #include "plugin.h"
-#define MIME_TYPES_HANDLED      "application/x-packagekit-plugin"
-#define PLUGIN_NAME             "Plugin for Installing Applications"
+#define MIME_TYPES_DESCRIPTION  "application/x-packagekit-plugin:bsc:PackageKit Plugin"
+#define PLUGIN_NAME             "PackageKit"
+#define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION      "Plugin for Installing Applications"
-char* NPP_GetMIMEDescription(void)
+char* NP_GetMIMEDescription(void)
 	return (char *)(MIME_TYPES_DESCRIPTION);
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ make_module_resident()
 	Dl_info info;
 	/* Get the (absolute) filename of this module */
-	if (!dladdr((void *)NPP_GetMIMEDescription, &info)) {
+	if (!dladdr((void *)NP_GetMIMEDescription, &info)) {
 		g_warning("Can't find filename for module");
commit 0241b2292ea0aa47a01f9716ebef9cf3ba11dcd7
Merge: ac54e30... 6aee3cd...
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 11:19:26 2009 +0100

    Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://hughsie@git.packagekit.org/srv/git/PackageKit

commit ac54e30f6fb394e059b490a56a6ad27b458762a6
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 10:06:47 2009 +0100

    Fix up the refresh_cache force parameter passing in the other backends

diff --git a/backends/apt.deprecated/pk-backend-apt.c b/backends/apt.deprecated/pk-backend-apt.c
index 6206d9a..7b57637 100644
--- a/backends/apt.deprecated/pk-backend-apt.c
+++ b/backends/apt.deprecated/pk-backend-apt.c
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "aptBackend.py", "refresh-cache", NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "aptBackend.py", "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/apt/pk-backend-apt.c b/backends/apt/pk-backend-apt.c
index 59b6c68..4f2f50d 100644
--- a/backends/apt/pk-backend-apt.c
+++ b/backends/apt/pk-backend-apt.c
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ backend_install_signature (PkBackend *backend, PkSigTypeEnum type,
 static void
 backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "aptBackend.py", "refresh-cache", NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "aptBackend.py", "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/conary/pk-backend-conary.c b/backends/conary/pk-backend-conary.c
index 628a47c..5ac87ac 100644
--- a/backends/conary/pk-backend-conary.c
+++ b/backends/conary/pk-backend-conary.c
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "conaryBackend.py", "refresh-cache", NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "conaryBackend.py", "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/pisi/pk-backend-pisi.c b/backends/pisi/pk-backend-pisi.c
index 5802838..8717fae 100644
--- a/backends/pisi/pk-backend-pisi.c
+++ b/backends/pisi/pk-backend-pisi.c
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "pisiBackend.py", "refresh-cache", NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "pisiBackend.py", "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
index 565178c..129972c 100644
--- a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
+++ b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND_FILE, "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text(force), NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND_FILE, "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/smart/pk-backend-smart.c b/backends/smart/pk-backend-smart.c
index f199c4b..e19e62a 100644
--- a/backends/smart/pk-backend-smart.c
+++ b/backends/smart/pk-backend-smart.c
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND("refresh-cache"), NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND("refresh-cache"), pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/urpmi/pk-backend-urpmi.c b/backends/urpmi/pk-backend-urpmi.c
index 08008b3..5bdc8f8 100644
--- a/backends/urpmi/pk-backend-urpmi.c
+++ b/backends/urpmi/pk-backend-urpmi.c
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "urpmi-dispatched-backend.pl", "refresh-cache", NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "urpmi-dispatched-backend.pl", "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/yum/pk-backend-yum.c b/backends/yum/pk-backend-yum.c
index 0a4b678..7006147 100644
--- a/backends/yum/pk-backend-yum.c
+++ b/backends/yum/pk-backend-yum.c
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "yumBackend.py", "refresh-cache", NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, "yumBackend.py", "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text (force), NULL);
commit 1b13e553f8270e20ee9c67e7785de869b9223a99
Author: Richard Hughes <richard at hughsie.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 09:57:20 2009 +0100

    Bump two versions in the Fedora spec file

diff --git a/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in b/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in
index 4303eb9..7868534 100644
--- a/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in
+++ b/contrib/PackageKit.spec.in
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 %define glib2_version			2.16.1
-%define dbus_version			0.90
-%define dbus_glib_version		0.70
+%define dbus_version			1.1.1
+%define dbus_glib_version		0.74
 %define polkit_version			0.92
 %define libnm_glib_version		0.6.4
 %define alphatag			#ALPHATAG#
commit 20ea4f25071e5c0bd617a95bdfead6568091212c
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 23:39:42 2009 +0200

    portage: make pylint happy (mostly indentation issues)

diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index 15c8695..a420416 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab:
 # Copyright (C) 2009 Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
@@ -47,864 +48,864 @@ from itertools import izip
 # Naming convention:
 # cpv: category package version, the standard representation of what packagekit
-# 	names a package (an ebuild for portage)
+#   names a package (an ebuild for portage)
 # TODO:
 # print only found package or every ebuilds ?
 # Map Gentoo categories to the PackageKit group name space
-		"app-accessibility" : GROUP_ACCESSIBILITY,
-		"app-admin" : GROUP_ADMIN_TOOLS,
-		"app-antivirus" : GROUP_OTHER,	#TODO
-		"app-arch" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-backup" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-benchmarks" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-cdr" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-crypt" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-dicts" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-doc" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-editors" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-emacs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-emulation" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-forensics" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-i18n" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-laptop" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-mobilephone" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-office" : GROUP_OFFICE,
-		"app-pda" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-portage" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-shells" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-text" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-vim" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"app-xemacs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-ada" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-cpp" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-db" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-dotnet" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-embedded" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-games" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-haskell" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-java" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-lang" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-lisp" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-ml" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-perl" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-php" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-php5" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-python" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-ruby" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-scheme" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-tcltk" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-tex" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-texlive" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-tinyos" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"dev-util" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"games-action" : GROUP_GAMES, # DONE from there
-		"games-arcade" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-board" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-emulation" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-engines" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-fps" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-kids" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-misc" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-mud" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-puzzle" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-roguelike" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-rpg" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-server" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-simulation" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-sports" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-strategy" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"games-util" : GROUP_GAMES,
-		"gnome-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_GNOME,
-		"gnome-extra" : GROUP_DESKTOP_GNOME,
-		"gnustep-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,	# TODO: from there
-		"gnustep-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"gnustep-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"gpe-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"gpe-utils" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"java-virtuals" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"kde-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_KDE, # DONE from there
-		"kde-misc" : GROUP_DESKTOP_KDE,
-		"lxde-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_OTHER,
-		"mail-filter" : GROUP_OTHER, # TODO: from there
-		"mail-mta" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-fonts" : GROUP_FONTS, # DONE (only this one)
-		"media-gfx" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-plugins" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-radio" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-sound" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-tv" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"media-video" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"metadata" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-analyzer" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-dialup" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-dns" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-firewall" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-fs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-ftp" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-im" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-irc" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-mail" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-nds" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-news" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-nntp" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-p2p" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-print" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-proxy" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-voip" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-wireless" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"net-zope" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"perl-core" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"profiles" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"rox-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"rox-extra" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sci-astronomy" : GROUP_SCIENCE, # DONE from there
-		"sci-biology" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-calculators" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-chemistry" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-electronics" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-geosciences" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-libs" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-mathematics" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-misc" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-physics" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sci-visualization" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
-		"sec-policy" : GROUP_OTHER, # TODO: from there
-		"sys-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-auth" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-block" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-boot" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-cluster" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-devel" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-freebsd" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-fs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-kernel" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-power" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"sys-process" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"virtual" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"www-apache" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"www-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"www-client" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"www-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"www-plugins" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"www-servers" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-drivers" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-plugins" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-proto" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-terms" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-themes" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"x11-wm" : GROUP_OTHER,
-		"xfce-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_XFCE, # DONE from there
-		"xfce-extra" : GROUP_DESKTOP_XFCE
+        "app-accessibility" : GROUP_ACCESSIBILITY,
+        "app-admin" : GROUP_ADMIN_TOOLS,
+        "app-antivirus" : GROUP_OTHER,  #TODO
+        "app-arch" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-backup" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-benchmarks" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-cdr" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-crypt" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-dicts" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-doc" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-editors" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-emacs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-emulation" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-forensics" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-i18n" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-laptop" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-mobilephone" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-office" : GROUP_OFFICE,
+        "app-pda" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-portage" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-shells" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-text" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-vim" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "app-xemacs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-ada" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-cpp" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-db" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-dotnet" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-embedded" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-games" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-haskell" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-java" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-lang" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-lisp" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-ml" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-perl" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-php" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-php5" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-python" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-ruby" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-scheme" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-tcltk" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-tex" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-texlive" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-tinyos" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "dev-util" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "games-action" : GROUP_GAMES, # DONE from there
+        "games-arcade" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-board" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-emulation" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-engines" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-fps" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-kids" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-misc" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-mud" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-puzzle" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-roguelike" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-rpg" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-server" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-simulation" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-sports" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-strategy" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "games-util" : GROUP_GAMES,
+        "gnome-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_GNOME,
+        "gnome-extra" : GROUP_DESKTOP_GNOME,
+        "gnustep-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,   # TODO: from there
+        "gnustep-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "gnustep-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "gpe-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "gpe-utils" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "java-virtuals" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "kde-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_KDE, # DONE from there
+        "kde-misc" : GROUP_DESKTOP_KDE,
+        "lxde-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_OTHER,
+        "mail-client" : GROUP_COMMUNICATION, # TODO: or GROUP_INTERNET ?
+        "mail-filter" : GROUP_OTHER, # TODO: from there
+        "mail-mta" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-fonts" : GROUP_FONTS, # DONE (only this one)
+        "media-gfx" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-plugins" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-radio" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-sound" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-tv" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "media-video" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "metadata" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-analyzer" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-dialup" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-dns" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-firewall" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-fs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-ftp" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-im" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-irc" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-mail" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-nds" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-news" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-nntp" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-p2p" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-print" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-proxy" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-voip" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-wireless" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "net-zope" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "perl-core" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "profiles" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "rox-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "rox-extra" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sci-astronomy" : GROUP_SCIENCE, # DONE from there
+        "sci-biology" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-calculators" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-chemistry" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-electronics" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-geosciences" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-libs" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-mathematics" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-misc" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-physics" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sci-visualization" : GROUP_SCIENCE,
+        "sec-policy" : GROUP_OTHER, # TODO: from there
+        "sys-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-auth" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-block" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-boot" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-cluster" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-devel" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-freebsd" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-fs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-kernel" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-power" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "sys-process" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "virtual" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "www-apache" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "www-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "www-client" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "www-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "www-plugins" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "www-servers" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-apps" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-base" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-drivers" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-libs" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-misc" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-plugins" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-proto" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-terms" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-themes" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "x11-wm" : GROUP_OTHER,
+        "xfce-base" : GROUP_DESKTOP_XFCE, # DONE from there
+        "xfce-extra" : GROUP_DESKTOP_XFCE
 def sigquit(signum, frame):
-	sys.exit(1)
+    sys.exit(1)
 def id_to_cpv(pkgid):
-	'''
-	Transform the package id (packagekit) to a cpv (portage)
-	'''
-	# TODO: raise error if ret[0] doesn't contain a '/'
-	ret = split_package_id(pkgid)
+    '''
+    Transform the package id (packagekit) to a cpv (portage)
+    '''
+    # TODO: raise error if ret[0] doesn't contain a '/'
+    ret = split_package_id(pkgid)
-	if len(ret) < 4:
-		raise "id_to_cpv: package id not valid"
+    if len(ret) < 4:
+        raise "id_to_cpv: package id not valid"
-	return ret[0] + "-" + ret[1]
+    return ret[0] + "-" + ret[1]
 # TODO: move to class ?
 def get_group(cp):
-	''' Return the group of the package
-	Argument could be cp or cpv. '''
-	cat = portage.catsplit(cp)[0]
-	if SECTION_GROUP_MAP.has_key(cat):
-		return SECTION_GROUP_MAP[cat]
+    ''' Return the group of the package
+    Argument could be cp or cpv. '''
+    cat = portage.catsplit(cp)[0]
+    if SECTION_GROUP_MAP.has_key(cat):
+        return SECTION_GROUP_MAP[cat]
+    return GROUP_UNKNOWN
 class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
-	def __init__(self, args, lock=True):
-		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sigquit)
-		PackageKitBaseBackend.__init__(self, args)
-		self.portage_settings = portage.config()
-		self.vardb = portage.db[portage.settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi
-		#self.portdb = portage.db[portage.settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi
-		if lock:
-			self.doLock()
-	def is_installed(self, cpv):
-		if self.vardb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-			return True
-		return False
-	def cpv_to_id(self, cpv):
-		'''
-		Transform the cpv (portage) to a package id (packagekit)
-		'''
-		# TODO: manage SLOTS !
-		package, version, rev = portage.pkgsplit(cpv)
-		pkg_keywords, repo = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "repository"])
-		pkg_keywords = pkg_keywords.split()
-		sys_keywords = self.portage_settings.configdict["defaults"].get("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS").split()
-		keywords = []
-		for x in sys_keywords:
-			if x in pkg_keywords:
-				keywords.append(x)
-		# if no keywords, check in package.keywords
-		if not keywords:
-			for _, keys in self.portage_settings.pkeywordsdict.get(portage.dep_getkey(cpv)).iteritems():
-				for x in keys:
-					keywords.append(x)
-		if not keywords:
-			keywords.append("no keywords")
-			self.message(MESSAGE_UNKNOWN, "No keywords have been found for %s" % cpv)
-		# don't want to see -r0
-		if rev != "r0":
-			version = version + "-" + rev
-		# if installed, repo should be 'installed', packagekit rule
-		if self.is_installed(cpv):
-			repo = "installed"
-		return get_package_id(package, version, ' '.join(keywords), repo)
-	def package(self, cpv, info=None):
-		desc = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["DESCRIPTION"])
-		if not info:
-			if self.is_installed(cpv):
-				info = INFO_INSTALLED
-			else:
-				info = INFO_AVAILABLE
-		PackageKitBaseBackend.package(self, self.cpv_to_id(cpv), info, desc[0])
-	def get_depends(self, filters, pkgids, recursive):
-		# TODO: manage filters
-		# TODO: optimize by using vardb for installed packages ?
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for pkgid in pkgids:
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkgid)
-			# is cpv valid
-			if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-				# self.warning ? self.error ?
-						"Could not find the package %s" % pkgid)
-				continue
-			myopts = {}
-			if recursive:
-				myopts.pop("--emptytree", None)
-				myopts["--emptytree"] = True
-			spinner = ""
-			settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-			myparams = _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "")
-			spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
-			depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner)
-			retval, fav = depgraph.select_files(["="+cpv])
-			if not retval:
-				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wasn't able to get dependency graph")
-				continue
-			if recursive:
-				# printing the whole tree
-				pkgs = depgraph.altlist(reversed=1)
-				for pkg in pkgs:
-					if pkg[2] != cpv:
-						self.package(pkg[2])
-			else: # !recursive
-				# only printing child of the root node
-				# actually, we have "=cpv" -> "cpv" -> children
-				root_node = depgraph.digraph.root_nodes()[0] # =cpv
-				root_node = depgraph.digraph.child_nodes(root_node)[0] # cpv
-				children = depgraph.digraph.child_nodes(root_node)
-				for child in children:
-					self.package(child[2])
-	def get_details(self, pkgs):
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for pkg in pkgs:
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
-			# is cpv valid
-			if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-				# self.warning ? self.error ?
-						"Could not find the package %s" % pkg)
-				continue
-			homepage, desc, license = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv,
-			# size should be prompted only if not installed
-			size = 0
-			if not self.is_installed(cpv):
-				ebuild = portage.portdb.findname(cpv)
-				if ebuild:
-					dir = os.path.dirname(ebuild)
-					manifest = portage.manifest.Manifest(dir, portage.settings["DISTDIR"])
-					uris = portage.portdb.getFetchMap(cpv)
-					size = manifest.getDistfilesSize(uris)
-			self.details(self.cpv_to_id(cpv), license, get_group(cpv),
-					desc, homepage, size)
-	def get_files(self, pkgids):
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for pkgid in pkgids:
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkgid)
-			# is cpv valid
-			if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-				self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND,
-						"Package %s was not found" % pkgid)
-				continue
-			if not self.vardb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-						"Package %s is not installed" % pkgid)
-				continue
-			cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
-			db = portage.dblink(cat, pv, portage.settings["ROOT"],
-					self.portage_settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=self.vardb)
-			files = db.getcontents().keys()
-			files = sorted(files)
-			files = ";".join(files)
-			self.files(pkgid, files)
-	def get_packages(self, filters):
-		# TODO: filters
-		self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
-			for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp):
-				self.package(cpv)
-	def get_repo_list(self, filters):
-		# TODO: filters
-		# TODO: not official
-		# TODO: not supported (via filters ?)
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		layman_db = layman.db.RemoteDB(layman.config.Config())
-		for o in layman_db.overlays.keys():
-			self.repo_detail(o, layman_db.overlays[o].description, True)
-	def get_requires(self, filters, pkgs, recursive):
-		# TODO: filters
-		# TODO: recursive not implemented
-		# TODO: usefulness ? use cases
-		# TODO: work only on installed packages
-		self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		myopts = {}
-		spinner = ""
-		favorites = []
-		settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-		spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
-		rootconfig = _emerge.RootConfig(self.portage_settings, trees["/"],
-				portage._sets.load_default_config(self.portage_settings, trees["/"]))
-		for pkg in pkgs:
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
-			# is cpv installed
-			# TODO: keep error msg ?
-			if not self.vardb.match(cpv):
-						"Package %s is not installed" % pkg)
-				continue
-			required_set_names = ("system", "world")
-			required_sets = {}
-			args_set = portage._sets.base.InternalPackageSet()
-			args_set.update(["="+cpv]) # parameters is converted to atom
-			# or use portage.dep_expand
-			if not args_set:
-				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Was not able to generate atoms")
-				continue
-			depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts,
-					_emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "remove"), spinner)
-			vardb = depgraph.trees["/"]["vartree"].dbapi
-			for s in required_set_names:
-				required_sets[s] = portage._sets.base.InternalPackageSet(
-						initial_atoms=rootconfig.setconfig.getSetAtoms(s))
-			# TODO: error/warning if world = null or system = null ?
-			# TODO: not sure it's needed. for deselect in emerge...
-			required_sets["world"].clear()
-			for pkg in vardb:
-				spinner.update()
-				try:
-					if args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) is None:
-						required_sets["world"].add("=" + pkg.cpv)
-				except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e:
-					required_sets["world"].add("=" + pkg.cpv)
-			set_args = {}
-			for s, pkg_set in required_sets.iteritems():
-				set_atom = portage._sets.SETPREFIX + s
-				set_arg = _emerge.SetArg(arg=set_atom, set=pkg_set,
-						root_config=depgraph.roots[portage.settings["ROOT"]])
-				set_args[s] = set_arg
-				for atom in set_arg.set:
-					depgraph._dep_stack.append(
-							_emerge.Dependency(atom=atom, root=portage.settings["ROOT"],
-								parent=set_arg))
-					depgraph.digraph.add(set_arg, None)
-			if not depgraph._complete_graph():
-				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error when generating depgraph")
-				continue
-			def cmp_pkg_cpv(pkg1, pkg2):
-				if pkg1.cpv > pkg2.cpv:
-					return 1
-				elif pkg1.cpv == pkg2.cpv:
-					return 0
-				else:
-					return -1
-			for pkg in sorted(vardb,
-					key=portage.util.cmp_sort_key(cmp_pkg_cpv)):
-				arg_atom = None
-				try:
-					arg_atom = args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg)
-				except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
-					continue
-				if arg_atom and pkg in depgraph.digraph:
-					parents = depgraph.digraph.parent_nodes(pkg)
-					for node in parents:
-						self.package(node[2])
-		self.percentage(100)
-	def get_update_detail(self, pkgs):
-		# TODO: a lot of informations are missing
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for pkg in pkgs:
-			updates = []
-			obsoletes = ""
-			vendor_url = ""
-			bugzilla_url = ""
-			cve_url = ""
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
-			if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-				self.message(MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_FIND_PACKAGE, "could not find %s" % pkg)
-			for cpv in self.vardb.match(portage.pkgsplit(cpv)[0]):
-				updates.append(cpv)
-			updates = "&".join(updates)
-			# temporarily set vendor_url = homepage
-			homepage = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["HOMEPAGE"])[0]
-			vendor_url = homepage
-			self.update_detail(pkg, updates, obsoletes, vendor_url, bugzilla_url,
-					cve_url, "none", "No update text", "No ChangeLog",
-					UPDATE_STATE_STABLE, None, None)
-	def get_updates(self, filters):
-		# NOTES:
-		# portage prefer not to update _ALL_ packages so we will only list updated
-		# packages in world or system
-		# TODO: filters ?
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		# best way to get that ?
-		settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-		rootconfig = _emerge.RootConfig(self.portage_settings, trees["/"],
-				portage._sets.load_default_config(self.portage_settings, trees["/"]))
-		cp_to_check = []
-		# get system and world sets
-		for s in ("system", "world"):
-			set = portage._sets.base.InternalPackageSet(
-					initial_atoms=rootconfig.setconfig.getSetAtoms(s))
-			for cp in set:
-				cp_to_check.append(cp)
-		# check if bestmatch is installed
-		for cp in cp_to_check:
-			best_cpv = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", cp)
-			if not self.vardb.cpv_exists(best_cpv):
-				self.package(best_cpv, INFO_NORMAL)
-	def install_packages(self, only_trusted, pkgs):
-		self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
-		self.allow_cancel(True) # TODO: sure ?
-		self.percentage(None)
-		# FIXME: use only_trusted
-		for pkg in pkgs:
-			# check for installed is not mandatory as there are a lot of reason
-			# to re-install a package (USE/{LD,C}FLAGS change for example) (or live)
-			# TODO: keep a final position
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
-			# is cpv valid
-			if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-				self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Package %s was not found" % pkg)
-				continue
-			# inits
-			myopts = {} # TODO: --nodepends ?
-			spinner = ""
-			favorites = []
-			settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-			myparams = _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "")
-			spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
-			depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner)
-			retval, favorites = depgraph.select_files(["="+cpv])
-			if not retval:
-				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wasn't able to get dependency graph")
-				continue
-			if "resume" in mtimedb and \
-			"mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \
-			len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1:
-				mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"]
-				del mtimedb["resume"]
-				mtimedb.commit()
-			mtimedb["resume"]={}
-			mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"] = myopts.copy()
-			mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] = [str(x) for x in favorites]
-			# TODO: check for writing access before calling merge ?
-			mergetask = _emerge.Scheduler(settings, trees, mtimedb,
-					myopts, spinner, depgraph.altlist(),
-					favorites, depgraph.schedulerGraph())
-			mergetask.merge()
-	def refresh_cache(self, force):
-		# TODO: use force ?
-		self.status(STATUS_REFRESH_CACHE)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		myopts = {} # TODO: --quiet ?
-		myopts.pop("--quiet", None)
-		myopts["--quiet"] = True
-		settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-		spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
-		try:
-			_emerge.action_sync(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, "")
-		finally:
-			self.percentage(100)
-	def remove_packages(self, allowdep, pkgs):
-		# can't use allowdep: never removing dep
-		# TODO: filters ?
-		self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for pkg in pkgs:
-			cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
-			# is cpv valid
-			if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
-				self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Package %s was not found" % pkg)
-				continue
-			# is package installed
-			if not self.vardb.match(cpv):
-						"Package %s is not installed" % pkg)
-				continue
-			myopts = {} # TODO: --nodepends ?
-			spinner = ""
-			favorites = []
-			settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-			spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
-			rootconfig = _emerge.RootConfig(self.portage_settings, trees["/"],
-					portage._sets.load_default_config(self.portage_settings, trees["/"])
-					)
-			if "resume" in mtimedb and \
-			"mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \
-			len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1:
-				mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"]
-				del mtimedb["resume"]
-				mtimedb.commit()
-			mtimedb["resume"]={}
-			mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"] = myopts.copy()
-			mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] = [str(x) for x in favorites]
-			db_keys = list(portage.portdb._aux_cache_keys)
-			metadata = izip(db_keys, portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, db_keys))
-			package = _emerge.Package(
-					type_name="ebuild",
-					built=True,
-					installed=True,
-					root_config=rootconfig,
-					cpv=cpv,
-					metadata=metadata,
-					operation="uninstall")
-			mergetask = _emerge.Scheduler(settings,
-					trees, mtimedb, myopts, spinner, [package], favorites, package)
-			mergetask.merge()
-	def repo_enable(self, repoid, enable):
-		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		# get installed and available dbs
-		installed_layman_db = layman.db.DB(layman.config.Config())
-		available_layman_db = layman.db.RemoteDB(layman.config.Config())
-		# disabling (removing) a db
-		if not enable:
-			if not repoid in installed_layman_db.overlays.keys():
-				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
-				return
-			overlay = installed_layman_db.select(repoid)
-			if not overlay:
-				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
-				return
-			try:
-				installed_layman_db.delete(overlay)
-			except Exception, e:
-				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-						"Failed to disable repository " + repoid + " : " + str(e))
-				return
-		# enabling (adding) a db
-		if enable:
-			if not repoid in available_layman_db.overlays.keys():
-				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
-				return
-			overlay = available_layman_db.select(repoid)
-			if not overlay:
-				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
-				return
-			try:
-				installed_layman_db.add(overlay, True)
-			except Exception, e:
-				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-						"Failed to disable repository " + repoid + " : " + str(e))
-				return
-	def resolve(self, filters, pkgs):
-		# TODO: filters
-		self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for pkg in pkgs:
-			# TODO: be case sensitive ?
-			searchre = re.compile(pkg, re.IGNORECASE)
-			# TODO: optim with filter = installed
-			for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
-				if searchre.search(cp):
-					#print self.vardb.dep_bestmatch(cp)
-					self.package(portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", cp))
-	def search_details(self, filters, key):
-		# TODO: add keywords when they will be available
-		# TODO: filters
-		# TODO: split keys
-		self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		searchre = re.compile(key, re.IGNORECASE)
-		cpvlist = []
-		for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
-			# TODO: baaad, we are working on _every_ cpv :-/
-			for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp): #TODO: cp_list(cp) ?
-				infos = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv,
-						["HOMEPAGE","DESCRIPTION","repository"]) # LICENSE ?
-				for x in infos:
-					if searchre.search(x):
-						self.package(cpv)
-						break
-	def search_file(self, filters, key):
-		# TODO: manage filters, error if ~installed ?
-		self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		cpvlist = []
-		pkg_processed = 0.0
-		nb_pkg = float(len(self.vardb.cpv_all()))
-		is_full_path = True
-		if key[0] != "/":
-			is_full_path = False
-			searchre = re.compile("/" + key + "$", re.IGNORECASE)
-		for cpv in self.vardb.cpv_all():
-			cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
-			db = portage.dblink(cat, pv, portage.settings["ROOT"],
-					self.portage_settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=self.vardb)
-			contents = db.getcontents()
-			if not contents:
-				continue
-			for file in contents.keys():
-				if (is_full_path and key == file) \
-				or (not is_full_path and searchre.search(file)):
-					cpvlist.append(cpv)
-					break
-			pkg_processed+=100.0 # instead of +=1 and *100, doing +=100
-			self.percentage(pkg_processed/nb_pkg)
-		self.percentage(100)
-		for cpv in cpvlist:
-			self.package(cpv)
-	def search_group(self, filters, group):
-		# TODO: filters
-		self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
-			if get_group(cp) == group:
-				for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp):
-					self.package(cpv)
-	def search_name(self, filters, key):
-		# TODO: manage filters
-		# TODO: collections ?
-		self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		searchre = re.compile(key, re.IGNORECASE)
-		for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
-			if searchre.search(cp):
-				for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp): #TODO: cp_list(cp) ?
-					self.package(cpv)
-	def update_packages(self, pkgs):
-		# TODO: add some checks ?
-		self.install_packages("false", pkgs)
-	def update_system(self, only_trusted):
-		# TODO: only_trusted
-		self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
-		self.allow_cancel(True)
-		self.percentage(None)
-		# inits
-		myopts = {}
-		myopts.pop("--deep", None)
-		myopts.pop("--newuse", None)
-		myopts.pop("--update", None)
-		myopts["--deep"] = True
-		myopts["--newuse"] = True
-		myopts["--update"] = True
-		spinner = ""
-		favorites = []
-		settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
-		myparams = _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "")
-		spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
-		depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner)
-		retval, favorites = depgraph.select_files(["system", "world"])
-		if not retval:
-			self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wasn't able to get dependency graph")
-			return
-		if "resume" in mtimedb and \
-		"mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \
-		len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1:
-			mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"]
-			del mtimedb["resume"]
-			mtimedb.commit()
-		mtimedb["resume"]={}
-		mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"] = myopts.copy()
-		mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] = [str(x) for x in favorites]
-		mergetask = _emerge.Scheduler(settings, trees, mtimedb,
-				myopts, spinner, depgraph.altlist(),
-				favorites, depgraph.schedulerGraph())
-		mergetask.merge()
+    def __init__(self, args, lock=True):
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sigquit)
+        PackageKitBaseBackend.__init__(self, args)
+        self.portage_settings = portage.config()
+        self.vardb = portage.db[portage.settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi
+        #self.portdb = portage.db[portage.settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi
+        if lock:
+            self.doLock()
+    def is_installed(self, cpv):
+        if self.vardb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def cpv_to_id(self, cpv):
+        '''
+        Transform the cpv (portage) to a package id (packagekit)
+        '''
+        # TODO: manage SLOTS !
+        package, version, rev = portage.pkgsplit(cpv)
+        pkg_keywords, repo = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "repository"])
+        pkg_keywords = pkg_keywords.split()
+        sys_keywords = self.portage_settings.configdict["defaults"].get("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS").split()
+        keywords = []
+        for x in sys_keywords:
+            if x in pkg_keywords:
+                keywords.append(x)
+        # if no keywords, check in package.keywords
+        if not keywords:
+            for _, keys in self.portage_settings.pkeywordsdict.get(portage.dep_getkey(cpv)).iteritems():
+                for x in keys:
+                    keywords.append(x)
+        if not keywords:
+            keywords.append("no keywords")
+            self.message(MESSAGE_UNKNOWN, "No keywords have been found for %s" % cpv)
+        # don't want to see -r0
+        if rev != "r0":
+            version = version + "-" + rev
+        # if installed, repo should be 'installed', packagekit rule
+        if self.is_installed(cpv):
+            repo = "installed"
+        return get_package_id(package, version, ' '.join(keywords), repo)
+    def package(self, cpv, info=None):
+        desc = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["DESCRIPTION"])
+        if not info:
+            if self.is_installed(cpv):
+                info = INFO_INSTALLED
+            else:
+                info = INFO_AVAILABLE
+        PackageKitBaseBackend.package(self, self.cpv_to_id(cpv), info, desc[0])
+    def get_depends(self, filters, pkgids, recursive):
+        # TODO: manage filters
+        # TODO: optimize by using vardb for installed packages ?
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for pkgid in pkgids:
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkgid)
+            # is cpv valid
+            if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                # self.warning ? self.error ?
+                self.message(MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_FIND_PACKAGE,
+                        "Could not find the package %s" % pkgid)
+                continue
+            myopts = {}
+            if recursive:
+                myopts.pop("--emptytree", None)
+                myopts["--emptytree"] = True
+            spinner = ""
+            settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+            myparams = _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "")
+            spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
+            depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner)
+            retval, fav = depgraph.select_files(["="+cpv])
+            if not retval:
+                self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wasn't able to get dependency graph")
+                continue
+            if recursive:
+                # printing the whole tree
+                pkgs = depgraph.altlist(reversed=1)
+                for pkg in pkgs:
+                    if pkg[2] != cpv:
+                        self.package(pkg[2])
+            else: # !recursive
+                # only printing child of the root node
+                # actually, we have "=cpv" -> "cpv" -> children
+                root_node = depgraph.digraph.root_nodes()[0] # =cpv
+                root_node = depgraph.digraph.child_nodes(root_node)[0] # cpv
+                children = depgraph.digraph.child_nodes(root_node)
+                for child in children:
+                    self.package(child[2])
+    def get_details(self, pkgs):
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
+            # is cpv valid
+            if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                # self.warning ? self.error ?
+                self.message(MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_FIND_PACKAGE,
+                        "Could not find the package %s" % pkg)
+                continue
+            homepage, desc, license = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv,
+                    ["HOMEPAGE", "DESCRIPTION", "LICENSE"])
+            # size should be prompted only if not installed
+            size = 0
+            if not self.is_installed(cpv):
+                ebuild = portage.portdb.findname(cpv)
+                if ebuild:
+                    dir = os.path.dirname(ebuild)
+                    manifest = portage.manifest.Manifest(dir, portage.settings["DISTDIR"])
+                    uris = portage.portdb.getFetchMap(cpv)
+                    size = manifest.getDistfilesSize(uris)
+            self.details(self.cpv_to_id(cpv), license, get_group(cpv),
+                    desc, homepage, size)
+    def get_files(self, pkgids):
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for pkgid in pkgids:
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkgid)
+            # is cpv valid
+            if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND,
+                        "Package %s was not found" % pkgid)
+                continue
+            if not self.vardb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED,
+                        "Package %s is not installed" % pkgid)
+                continue
+            cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
+            db = portage.dblink(cat, pv, portage.settings["ROOT"],
+                    self.portage_settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=self.vardb)
+            files = db.getcontents().keys()
+            files = sorted(files)
+            files = ";".join(files)
+            self.files(pkgid, files)
+    def get_packages(self, filters):
+        # TODO: filters
+        self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
+            for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp):
+                self.package(cpv)
+    def get_repo_list(self, filters):
+        # TODO: filters
+        # TODO: not official
+        # TODO: not supported (via filters ?)
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        layman_db = layman.db.RemoteDB(layman.config.Config())
+        for o in layman_db.overlays.keys():
+            self.repo_detail(o, layman_db.overlays[o].description, True)
+    def get_requires(self, filters, pkgs, recursive):
+        # TODO: filters
+        # TODO: recursive not implemented
+        # TODO: usefulness ? use cases
+        # TODO: work only on installed packages
+        self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        myopts = {}
+        spinner = ""
+        favorites = []
+        settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+        spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
+        rootconfig = _emerge.RootConfig(self.portage_settings, trees["/"],
+                portage._sets.load_default_config(self.portage_settings, trees["/"]))
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
+            # is cpv installed
+            # TODO: keep error msg ?
+            if not self.vardb.match(cpv):
+                self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED,
+                        "Package %s is not installed" % pkg)
+                continue
+            required_set_names = ("system", "world")
+            required_sets = {}
+            args_set = portage._sets.base.InternalPackageSet()
+            args_set.update(["="+cpv]) # parameters is converted to atom
+            # or use portage.dep_expand
+            if not args_set:
+                self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Was not able to generate atoms")
+                continue
+            depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts,
+                    _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "remove"), spinner)
+            vardb = depgraph.trees["/"]["vartree"].dbapi
+            for s in required_set_names:
+                required_sets[s] = portage._sets.base.InternalPackageSet(
+                        initial_atoms=rootconfig.setconfig.getSetAtoms(s))
+            # TODO: error/warning if world = null or system = null ?
+            # TODO: not sure it's needed. for deselect in emerge...
+            required_sets["world"].clear()
+            for pkg in vardb:
+                spinner.update()
+                try:
+                    if args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) is None:
+                        required_sets["world"].add("=" + pkg.cpv)
+                except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e:
+                    required_sets["world"].add("=" + pkg.cpv)
+            set_args = {}
+            for s, pkg_set in required_sets.iteritems():
+                set_atom = portage._sets.SETPREFIX + s
+                set_arg = _emerge.SetArg(arg=set_atom, set=pkg_set,
+                        root_config=depgraph.roots[portage.settings["ROOT"]])
+                set_args[s] = set_arg
+                for atom in set_arg.set:
+                    depgraph._dep_stack.append(
+                            _emerge.Dependency(atom=atom, root=portage.settings["ROOT"],
+                                parent=set_arg))
+                    depgraph.digraph.add(set_arg, None)
+            if not depgraph._complete_graph():
+                self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error when generating depgraph")
+                continue
+            def cmp_pkg_cpv(pkg1, pkg2):
+                if pkg1.cpv > pkg2.cpv:
+                    return 1
+                elif pkg1.cpv == pkg2.cpv:
+                    return 0
+                else:
+                    return -1
+            for pkg in sorted(vardb,
+                    key=portage.util.cmp_sort_key(cmp_pkg_cpv)):
+                arg_atom = None
+                try:
+                    arg_atom = args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg)
+                except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
+                    continue
+                if arg_atom and pkg in depgraph.digraph:
+                    parents = depgraph.digraph.parent_nodes(pkg)
+                    for node in parents:
+                        self.package(node[2])
+        self.percentage(100)
+    def get_update_detail(self, pkgs):
+        # TODO: a lot of informations are missing
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            updates = []
+            obsoletes = ""
+            vendor_url = ""
+            bugzilla_url = ""
+            cve_url = ""
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
+            if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                self.message(MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_FIND_PACKAGE, "could not find %s" % pkg)
+            for cpv in self.vardb.match(portage.pkgsplit(cpv)[0]):
+                updates.append(cpv)
+            updates = "&".join(updates)
+            # temporarily set vendor_url = homepage
+            homepage = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["HOMEPAGE"])[0]
+            vendor_url = homepage
+            self.update_detail(pkg, updates, obsoletes, vendor_url, bugzilla_url,
+                    cve_url, "none", "No update text", "No ChangeLog",
+                    UPDATE_STATE_STABLE, None, None)
+    def get_updates(self, filters):
+        # NOTES:
+        # portage prefer not to update _ALL_ packages so we will only list updated
+        # packages in world or system
+        # TODO: filters ?
+        # TODO: INFO
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        # best way to get that ?
+        settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+        rootconfig = _emerge.RootConfig(self.portage_settings, trees["/"],
+                portage._sets.load_default_config(self.portage_settings, trees["/"]))
+        cp_to_check = []
+        # get system and world sets
+        for s in ("system", "world"):
+            set = portage._sets.base.InternalPackageSet(
+                    initial_atoms=rootconfig.setconfig.getSetAtoms(s))
+            for cp in set:
+                cp_to_check.append(cp)
+        # check if bestmatch is installed
+        for cp in cp_to_check:
+            best_cpv = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", cp)
+            if not self.vardb.cpv_exists(best_cpv):
+                self.package(best_cpv, INFO_NORMAL)
+    def install_packages(self, only_trusted, pkgs):
+        self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
+        self.allow_cancel(True) # TODO: sure ?
+        self.percentage(None)
+        # FIXME: use only_trusted
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            # check for installed is not mandatory as there are a lot of reason
+            # to re-install a package (USE/{LD,C}FLAGS change for example) (or live)
+            # TODO: keep a final position
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
+            # is cpv valid
+            if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Package %s was not found" % pkg)
+                continue
+            # inits
+            myopts = {} # TODO: --nodepends ?
+            spinner = ""
+            favorites = []
+            settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+            myparams = _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "")
+            spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
+            depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner)
+            retval, favorites = depgraph.select_files(["="+cpv])
+            if not retval:
+                self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wasn't able to get dependency graph")
+                continue
+            if "resume" in mtimedb and \
+            "mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \
+            len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1:
+                mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"]
+                del mtimedb["resume"]
+                mtimedb.commit()
+            mtimedb["resume"] = {}
+            mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"] = myopts.copy()
+            mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] = [str(x) for x in favorites]
+            # TODO: check for writing access before calling merge ?
+            mergetask = _emerge.Scheduler(settings, trees, mtimedb,
+                    myopts, spinner, depgraph.altlist(),
+                    favorites, depgraph.schedulerGraph())
+            mergetask.merge()
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
+        # TODO: use force ?
+        self.status(STATUS_REFRESH_CACHE)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        myopts = {} # TODO: --quiet ?
+        myopts.pop("--quiet", None)
+        myopts["--quiet"] = True
+        settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+        spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
+        try:
+            _emerge.action_sync(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, "")
+        finally:
+            self.percentage(100)
+    def remove_packages(self, allowdep, pkgs):
+        # can't use allowdep: never removing dep
+        # TODO: filters ?
+        self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            cpv = id_to_cpv(pkg)
+            # is cpv valid
+            if not portage.portdb.cpv_exists(cpv):
+                self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Package %s was not found" % pkg)
+                continue
+            # is package installed
+            if not self.vardb.match(cpv):
+                self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED,
+                        "Package %s is not installed" % pkg)
+                continue
+            myopts = {} # TODO: --nodepends ?
+            spinner = ""
+            favorites = []
+            settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+            spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
+            rootconfig = _emerge.RootConfig(self.portage_settings, trees["/"],
+                    portage._sets.load_default_config(self.portage_settings, trees["/"])
+                    )
+            if "resume" in mtimedb and \
+            "mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \
+            len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1:
+                mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"]
+                del mtimedb["resume"]
+                mtimedb.commit()
+            mtimedb["resume"] = {}
+            mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"] = myopts.copy()
+            mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] = [str(x) for x in favorites]
+            db_keys = list(portage.portdb._aux_cache_keys)
+            metadata = izip(db_keys, portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv, db_keys))
+            package = _emerge.Package(
+                    type_name="ebuild",
+                    built=True,
+                    installed=True,
+                    root_config=rootconfig,
+                    cpv=cpv,
+                    metadata=metadata,
+                    operation="uninstall")
+            mergetask = _emerge.Scheduler(settings,
+                    trees, mtimedb, myopts, spinner, [package], favorites, package)
+            mergetask.merge()
+    def repo_enable(self, repoid, enable):
+        self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        # get installed and available dbs
+        installed_layman_db = layman.db.DB(layman.config.Config())
+        available_layman_db = layman.db.RemoteDB(layman.config.Config())
+        # disabling (removing) a db
+        if not enable:
+            if not repoid in installed_layman_db.overlays.keys():
+                self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+                return
+            overlay = installed_layman_db.select(repoid)
+            if not overlay:
+                self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+                return
+            try:
+                installed_layman_db.delete(overlay)
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                        "Failed to disable repository " + repoid + " : " + str(e))
+                return
+        # enabling (adding) a db
+        if enable:
+            if not repoid in available_layman_db.overlays.keys():
+                self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+                return
+            overlay = available_layman_db.select(repoid)
+            if not overlay:
+                self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+                return
+            try:
+                installed_layman_db.add(overlay, True)
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                        "Failed to disable repository " + repoid + " : " + str(e))
+                return
+    def resolve(self, filters, pkgs):
+        # TODO: filters
+        self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            # TODO: be case sensitive ?
+            searchre = re.compile(pkg, re.IGNORECASE)
+            # TODO: optim with filter = installed
+            for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
+                if searchre.search(cp):
+                    #print self.vardb.dep_bestmatch(cp)
+                    self.package(portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", cp))
+    def search_details(self, filters, key):
+        # TODO: add keywords when they will be available
+        # TODO: filters
+        # TODO: split keys
+        # TODO: PERFORMANCE !
+        self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        searchre = re.compile(key, re.IGNORECASE)
+        cpvlist = []
+        for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
+            # TODO: baaad, we are working on _every_ cpv :-/
+            for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp): #TODO: cp_list(cp) ?
+                infos = portage.portdb.aux_get(cpv,
+                        ["HOMEPAGE","DESCRIPTION","repository"]) # LICENSE ?
+                for x in infos:
+                    if searchre.search(x):
+                        self.package(cpv)
+                        break
+    def search_file(self, filters, key):
+        # TODO: manage filters, error if ~installed ?
+        self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        cpvlist = []
+        pkg_processed = 0.0
+        nb_pkg = float(len(self.vardb.cpv_all()))
+        is_full_path = True
+        if key[0] != "/":
+            is_full_path = False
+            searchre = re.compile("/" + key + "$", re.IGNORECASE)
+        for cpv in self.vardb.cpv_all():
+            cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
+            db = portage.dblink(cat, pv, portage.settings["ROOT"],
+                    self.portage_settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=self.vardb)
+            contents = db.getcontents()
+            if not contents:
+                continue
+            for file in contents.keys():
+                if (is_full_path and key == file) \
+                or (not is_full_path and searchre.search(file)):
+                    cpvlist.append(cpv)
+                    break
+            pkg_processed += 100.0 # instead of +=1 and *100, doing +=100
+            self.percentage(pkg_processed/nb_pkg)
+        self.percentage(100)
+        for cpv in cpvlist:
+            self.package(cpv)
+    def search_group(self, filters, group):
+        # TODO: filters
+        self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
+            if get_group(cp) == group:
+                for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp):
+                    self.package(cpv)
+    def search_name(self, filters, key):
+        # TODO: manage filters
+        # TODO: collections ?
+        self.status(STATUS_QUERY)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        searchre = re.compile(key, re.IGNORECASE)
+        for cp in portage.portdb.cp_all():
+            if searchre.search(cp):
+                for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp): #TODO: cp_list(cp) ?
+                    self.package(cpv)
+    def update_packages(self, only_trusted, pkgs):
+        # TODO: add some checks ?
+        self.install_packages(only_trusted, pkgs)
+    def update_system(self, only_trusted):
+        # TODO: only_trusted
+        self.status(STATUS_RUNNING)
+        self.allow_cancel(True)
+        self.percentage(None)
+        # inits
+        myopts = {}
+        myopts.pop("--deep", None)
+        myopts.pop("--newuse", None)
+        myopts.pop("--update", None)
+        myopts["--deep"] = True
+        myopts["--newuse"] = True
+        myopts["--update"] = True
+        spinner = ""
+        favorites = []
+        settings, trees, mtimedb = _emerge.load_emerge_config()
+        myparams = _emerge.create_depgraph_params(myopts, "")
+        spinner = _emerge.stdout_spinner()
+        depgraph = _emerge.depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner)
+        retval, favorites = depgraph.select_files(["system", "world"])
+        if not retval:
+            self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wasn't able to get dependency graph")
+            return
+        if "resume" in mtimedb and \
+        "mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \
+        len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1:
+            mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"]
+            del mtimedb["resume"]
+            mtimedb.commit()
+        mtimedb["resume"] = {}
+        mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"] = myopts.copy()
+        mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] = [str(x) for x in favorites]
+        mergetask = _emerge.Scheduler(settings, trees, mtimedb,
+                myopts, spinner, depgraph.altlist(),
+                favorites, depgraph.schedulerGraph())
+        mergetask.merge()
 def main():
-	backend = PackageKitPortageBackend("") #'', lock=True)
-	backend.dispatcher(sys.argv[1:])
+    backend = PackageKitPortageBackend("") #'', lock=True)
+    backend.dispatcher(sys.argv[1:])
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
+    main()
commit df7001a106f5ea63d0e19dc5aaeeb6711872e1ee
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 13:00:47 2009 +0200

    pk-transaction checks if the given path in search-file is valid

diff --git a/src/pk-transaction.c b/src/pk-transaction.c
index 8286544..512cfa5 100644
--- a/src/pk-transaction.c
+++ b/src/pk-transaction.c
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ pk_transaction_error_get_type (void)
@@ -3619,6 +3620,15 @@ pk_transaction_search_file (PkTransaction *transaction, const gchar *filter,
+	/* when not an absolute path, disallow slashes in search */
+	if (search[0] != '/' && strstr (search, "/") != NULL) {
+				     "Invalid search path");
+		pk_transaction_release_tid (transaction);
+		pk_transaction_dbus_return_error (context, error);
+		return;
+	}
 	/* check the filter */
 	ret = pk_transaction_filter_check (filter, &error);
 	if (!ret) {
diff --git a/src/pk-transaction.h b/src/pk-transaction.h
index 8ac5a69..086f793 100644
--- a/src/pk-transaction.h
+++ b/src/pk-transaction.h
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ typedef enum
commit 70d97ad9f1b2f9956a8b1a7806362d304dcef5bc
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 00:46:18 2009 +0200

    portage: let search-file accept filename or fully qualified path and filename

diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index 7fd6cd7..15c8695 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -796,15 +796,18 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 	def search_file(self, filters, key):
 		# TODO: manage filters, error if ~installed ?
-		# TODO: keep exact path or change to exact name ?
-		searchre = re.compile(key, re.IGNORECASE)
 		cpvlist = []
 		pkg_processed = 0.0
 		nb_pkg = float(len(self.vardb.cpv_all()))
+		is_full_path = True
+		if key[0] != "/":
+			is_full_path = False
+			searchre = re.compile("/" + key + "$", re.IGNORECASE)
 		for cpv in self.vardb.cpv_all():
 			cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
@@ -814,7 +817,8 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 			if not contents:
 			for file in contents.keys():
-				if searchre.match(file):
+				if (is_full_path and key == file) \
+				or (not is_full_path and searchre.search(file)):
commit 6cb78a1fcaba0ad1aa91321155d3e9c22c46ea42
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 22:04:39 2009 +0200

    Specify search-file use cases (entire path or filename)

diff --git a/src/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction.xml b/src/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction.xml
index 961e231..b83f69a 100644
--- a/src/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction.xml
+++ b/src/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction.xml
@@ -1079,7 +1079,9 @@
-              A single local path on the system
+              A filename or fully qualified path and filename on the system.
+              If the search term begins with a <doc:tt>/</doc:tt> it will be assumed the entire path has been given and only packages that contain this exact path and filename will be returned.
+              If the search term does not start with <doc:tt>/</doc:tt> then it should be treated as a single filename, which can be in any directory.
commit c234c386f81b2c265464c768c475b9adeecd4cdf
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 17:18:57 2009 +0200

    add force parameter to refresh-cache function in python backends

diff --git a/backends/apt.deprecated/aptBackend.py b/backends/apt.deprecated/aptBackend.py
index 525d79e..2f79238 100644
--- a/backends/apt.deprecated/aptBackend.py
+++ b/backends/apt.deprecated/aptBackend.py
@@ -259,10 +259,11 @@ class PackageKitAptBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend):
                 "This function is not implemented in this backend")
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
         Implement the {backend}-refresh_cache functionality
+        # TODO: use force ?
             res = self._apt_cache.update(PackageKitProgress(self))
diff --git a/backends/apt/aptBackend.py b/backends/apt/aptBackend.py
index 843f22c..df01c52 100755
--- a/backends/apt/aptBackend.py
+++ b/backends/apt/aptBackend.py
@@ -1190,10 +1190,11 @@ class PackageKitAptBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend):
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
         Implement the {backend}-refresh_cache functionality
+        # TODO: use force ?
         pklog.info("Refresh cache")
         if not self._lock_cache(): return
diff --git a/backends/conary/conaryBackend.py b/backends/conary/conaryBackend.py
index ec9099b..9574e1f 100755
--- a/backends/conary/conaryBackend.py
+++ b/backends/conary/conaryBackend.py
@@ -559,7 +559,9 @@ class PackageKitConaryBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend):
         self.client.setUpdateCallback(self.callback )
 #    @ExceptionHandler
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
+        # TODO: use force ?
         #log.debug("refresh-cache command ")
     #    self.percentage()
diff --git a/backends/pisi/pisiBackend.py b/backends/pisi/pisiBackend.py
index 503d016..6bcc787 100755
--- a/backends/pisi/pisiBackend.py
+++ b/backends/pisi/pisiBackend.py
@@ -281,8 +281,9 @@ class PackageKitPisiBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
             self.error(ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Package is already installed")
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
         """ Updates repository indexes """
+        # TODO: use force ?
diff --git a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
index 2e50894..565178c 100644
--- a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
+++ b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
@@ -229,8 +229,7 @@ backend_refresh_cache (PkBackend *backend, gboolean force)
-	/* TODO: force ? */
-	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND_FILE, "refresh-cache", /*pk_backend_bool_to_text(force),*/ NULL);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND_FILE, "refresh-cache", pk_backend_bool_to_text(force), NULL);
diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index 30c0d0d..7fd6cd7 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -637,7 +637,8 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 					favorites, depgraph.schedulerGraph())
-	def refresh_cache(self):
+	def refresh_cache(self, force):
+		# TODO: use force ?
diff --git a/backends/smart/smartBackend.py b/backends/smart/smartBackend.py
index c990243..1b09b60 100755
--- a/backends/smart/smartBackend.py
+++ b/backends/smart/smartBackend.py
@@ -543,7 +543,8 @@ class PackageKitSmartBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend):
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
+        # TODO: use force ?
diff --git a/backends/yum/yumBackend.py b/backends/yum/yumBackend.py
index 2eddac3..bb6f105 100755
--- a/backends/yum/yumBackend.py
+++ b/backends/yum/yumBackend.py
@@ -1375,10 +1375,11 @@ class PackageKitYumBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
                 self.error(ERROR_NO_PACKAGES_TO_UPDATE, "Nothing to do", exit=False)
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
         Implement the {backend}-refresh_cache functionality
+        # TODO: use force ?
diff --git a/lib/python/packagekit/backend.py b/lib/python/packagekit/backend.py
index f98ca05..c0e9bed 100644
--- a/lib/python/packagekit/backend.py
+++ b/lib/python/packagekit/backend.py
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class PackageKitBaseBackend:
         self.error(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "This function is not implemented in this backend", exit=False)
-    def refresh_cache(self):
+    def refresh_cache(self, force):
         Implement the {backend}-refresh_cache functionality
         Needed to be implemented in a sub class
@@ -561,7 +561,8 @@ class PackageKitBaseBackend:
             self.install_signature(sigtype, key_id, package_id)
         elif cmd == 'refresh-cache':
-            self.refresh_cache()
+            force = _text_to_bool(args[0])
+            self.refresh_cache(force)
         elif cmd == 'remove-packages':
             allowdeps = args[0]
commit 2b26bf5091d3a59c162cb9fe17bdbebdf8b513b6
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 01:40:15 2009 +0200

    portage: add percentage to search-files and change search method to match exact path

diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index e5a5ce9..30c0d0d 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -795,13 +795,15 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 	def search_file(self, filters, key):
 		# TODO: manage filters, error if ~installed ?
-		# TODO: search for exact file name
+		# TODO: keep exact path or change to exact name ?
 		searchre = re.compile(key, re.IGNORECASE)
 		cpvlist = []
+		pkg_processed = 0.0
+		nb_pkg = float(len(self.vardb.cpv_all()))
 		for cpv in self.vardb.cpv_all():
 			cat, pv = portage.catsplit(cpv)
@@ -811,10 +813,15 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 			if not contents:
 			for file in contents.keys():
-				if searchre.search(file):
+				if searchre.match(file):
+			pkg_processed+=100.0 # instead of +=1 and *100, doing +=100
+			self.percentage(pkg_processed/nb_pkg)
+		self.percentage(100)
 		for cpv in cpvlist:
commit 593965c8133e6817b90207ae9a1e5bb79f42d147
Author: Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 00:52:44 2009 +0200

    portage: add repo-list and repo-enable functions with layman api

diff --git a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
index c663ece..2e50894 100644
--- a/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
+++ b/backends/portage/pk-backend-portage.c
@@ -248,6 +248,15 @@ backend_remove_packages (PkBackend *backend, gchar **package_ids, gboolean allow
+ * pk_backend_repo_enable:
+ */
+static void
+backend_repo_enable (PkBackend *backend, const gchar *rid, gboolean enabled)
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND_FILE, "repo-enable", rid, pk_backend_bool_to_text (enabled), NULL);
  * pk_backend_resolve:
 static void
@@ -343,6 +352,19 @@ backend_get_packages (PkBackend *backend, PkBitfield filters)
+ * pk_backend_get_repo_list:
+ */
+static void
+backend_get_repo_list (PkBackend *backend, PkBitfield filters)
+	gchar *filters_text;
+	filters_text = pk_filter_bitfield_to_text (filters);
+	pk_backend_spawn_helper (spawn, BACKEND_FILE, "get-repo-list", filters_text, NULL);
+	g_free (filters_text);
  * backend_get_requires:
 static void
@@ -383,16 +405,16 @@ PK_BACKEND_OPTIONS (
 	NULL,		/* get_distro_upgrades */
 	backend_get_files,			/* get_files */
 	backend_get_packages,			/* get_packages */
-	NULL, // TODO			/* get_repo_list */
+	backend_get_repo_list,			/* get_repo_list */
 	backend_get_requires,			/* get_requires */
-	backend_get_update_detail, // TODO		/* get_update_detail */
+	backend_get_update_detail,		/* get_update_detail */
 	backend_get_updates,			/* get_updates */
 	NULL,			/* install_files */
 	backend_install_packages,		/* install_packages */
 	NULL,			/* install_signature */
 	backend_refresh_cache,			/* refresh_cache */
 	backend_remove_packages,		/* remove_packages */
-	NULL, // TODO: choose			/* repo_enable */
+	backend_repo_enable,			/* repo_enable */
 	NULL, // TODO: probably not			/* repo_set_data */
 	backend_resolve,			/* resolve */
 	NULL, // TODO: probably in a long time			/* rollback */
diff --git a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
index 9733faf..e5a5ce9 100755
--- a/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
+++ b/backends/portage/portageBackend.py
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ from packagekit.package import PackagekitPackage
 import portage
 import _emerge
+# layman imports
+import layman.db
+import layman.config
 # misc imports
 import sys
 import signal
@@ -412,6 +416,18 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 			for cpv in portage.portdb.match(cp):
+	def get_repo_list(self, filters):
+		# TODO: filters
+		# TODO: not official
+		# TODO: not supported (via filters ?)
+		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+		self.allow_cancel(True)
+		self.percentage(None)
+		layman_db = layman.db.RemoteDB(layman.config.Config())
+		for o in layman_db.overlays.keys():
+			self.repo_detail(o, layman_db.overlays[o].description, True)
 	def get_requires(self, filters, pkgs, recursive):
 		# TODO: filters
 		# TODO: recursive not implemented
@@ -692,6 +708,53 @@ class PackageKitPortageBackend(PackageKitBaseBackend, PackagekitPackage):
 					trees, mtimedb, myopts, spinner, [package], favorites, package)
+	def repo_enable(self, repoid, enable):
+		self.status(STATUS_INFO)
+		self.allow_cancel(True)
+		self.percentage(None)
+		# get installed and available dbs
+		installed_layman_db = layman.db.DB(layman.config.Config())
+		available_layman_db = layman.db.RemoteDB(layman.config.Config())
+		# disabling (removing) a db
+		if not enable:
+			if not repoid in installed_layman_db.overlays.keys():
+				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+				return
+			overlay = installed_layman_db.select(repoid)
+			if not overlay:
+				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+				return
+			try:
+				installed_layman_db.delete(overlay)
+			except Exception, e:
+				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+						"Failed to disable repository " + repoid + " : " + str(e))
+				return
+		# enabling (adding) a db
+		if enable:
+			if not repoid in available_layman_db.overlays.keys():
+				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+				return
+			overlay = available_layman_db.select(repoid)
+			if not overlay:
+				self.error(ERROR_REPO_NOT_FOUND, "Repository %s was not found" %repoid)
+				return
+			try:
+				installed_layman_db.add(overlay, True)
+			except Exception, e:
+				self.error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+						"Failed to disable repository " + repoid + " : " + str(e))
+				return
 	def resolve(self, filters, pkgs):
 		# TODO: filters

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