[packagekit] yum requirements -- can and cannot remove gimp

Matej Cepl mcepl at redhat.com
Wed Nov 7 04:37:35 PST 2007

I want to remove GIMP (big, fat and I don't use it). Because PK 
(so far) cannot remove all depending packages, I have to check 
dependencies first:

[matej at viklef ~]$ pkcon get requires gimp
resolve runtime was 0.8 seconds
get-requires runtime was 0.8 seconds                                            
[matej at viklef ~]$

OK, that means I can just go ahead, right?

[matej at viklef ~]$ pkcon remove gimp
resolve runtime was 0.8 seconds
0%          Error: dep-resolution-failed : package could not be 
remove, because something depends on it
remove-package runtime was 5.2 seconds                                          
[matej at viklef ~]$

Ouch, so there is something (what the hell is this kind of error 
message -- „something depends on it“; cannot PK tell me what 
depends on it, or even better to suggest to remove it as well?).

[matej at viklef ~]$ sudo repoquery -q --whatrequires gimp
[matej at viklef ~]$ sudo rpm -q xsane-gimp gimp-resynthesizer \
   GREYCstoration-gimp gimp-help gutenprint-plugin
balíček xsane-gimp není nainstalován
balíček gimp-resynthesizer není nainstalován
balíček GREYCstoration-gimp není nainstalován
balíček gimp-help není nainstalován
[matej at viklef ~]$ 

OK, so I have to remove gutenprint-plugin first, right?

[matej at viklef ~]$ pkcon remove gutenprint-plugin
resolve runtime was 0.8 seconds
0%          Error: dep-resolution-failed : package could not be 
remove, because something depends on it
remove-package runtime was 5.2 seconds                                          
[matej at viklef ~]$

Ouch, again!

[matej at viklef ~]$ sudo repoquery -q --whatrequires gutenprint-plugin
[matej at viklef ~]$ 

Oh boy. :-( But wait, maybe I can remove both of them at once?

[matej at viklef ~]$ pkcon remove gutenprint-plugin gimp
resolve runtime was 0.8 seconds
0%          Error: dep-resolution-failed : package could not be 
remove, because something depends on it
remove-package runtime was 5.2 seconds                                          
[matej at viklef ~]$ 

No, I can't.

Any ideas?


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