[packagekit] Yum backend RequireReboot

Tim Lauridsen tla at rasmil.dk
Wed Oct 3 06:52:23 PDT 2007

Luke Macken wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 08:11:08AM +0200, Tim Lauridsen wrote:
>> David Zeuthen wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 18:57 +0200, Tim Lauridsen wrote:
>>>> yum/rpm don't care if the system need a reboot to use the updated
>>>> packages, it is only i high level gui, this kind of stuff is
>>>> interesting.
>>>> we could make a /etc/packagekit-backend.conf and write a list of
>>>> reboot packages into the conf file.
>>> I think the point is that it's a lot more preferable to be able to
>>> specify this on a per-package basis (e.g. in the RPM spec file for each
>>> package requiring a reboot) and then have this data propagated into the
>>> update meta data.
>>>      David
>> That will be the best way to do it, but it will need some changes to rpm, 
>> rpmbuild, createrepo & yum.
>> Maybe adding it as a selection in bodhi and get it into the extra update 
>> metadata, is a easier way to go :)
> Bodhi has been adding a reboot_suggested field into the updateinfo for a
> while now.
Very nice.
> I've been crazy busy hacking on fedora infrastructure for the past few
> weeks, but I'm going to sit down and work the extended updateinfo
> metadata into PackageKit very soon (unless someone got it it before it).
> This will give us advisory details, bug/cve ids and links, sha1sums,
> among other things.
It have added support for the extended updateinfo, but i only use it to 
detect if it is a security update

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