[packagekit] Warn users when deps are added to update list

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Wed Apr 2 10:36:42 PDT 2008

Lets take a scenario where a user is informed they have a number of
updates available.  They review the list, and uncheck a few things they
just don't want to update right now (be it for bandwidth reasons or
known stability issues, or whatever).

Then the user clicks update and imagine their surprise when the things
they unchecked got updated anyway!

If what the UI requests for the list of updates doesn't match what yum
says its going to update given said list, the user should be informed of
the differences and given a chance to abort and re-adjust what they ask
for.  I know the argument of "foo has this, why don't you" sucks, but
pirut / pup did this.  It would throw up a window with "Dependencies
added" and you had a short time (30 seconds?) to review what was added
and have the opportunity to abort the transaction.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- All my bits are free, are yours?
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