[packagekit] yum: Refreshing cache error

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 11:05:09 PDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 12:05 -0400, Robin Norwood wrote:
> At what point should we 'start over'?  Should I resend signals
> like AllowCancel, NoPercentageUpdates

Yes, these can be sent at any stage.

>  (or restart
> the percentage update counter at 0?), set the Status as I'm starting
> the transaction over?

Hmm. The daemon won't let the percentage go backwards, but we could
probably special case 0 as "really go back to zero".

For the moment just send percentages as normal (0,20,50,10,0,50,100) and
I'll fix up the daemon.

> The trickiest bit is the percentage updates thing - if I restart at 0,
> will the backend or UI get confused?

UI no, engine, yes.

> Does it make sense to have a 'Starting over' status signal to let the
> engine know?


> Or, even more extreme, a 'Try this transaction again'
> signal, and just have the engine reschedule an identical transaction?
> That would make the backend implementation trivial, but maybe makes
> things hard on the engine.

Well, we already do that for stuff like GPG keys, but we probably don't
want to make it difficult for clients that just want the action to
happen, and don't care how it was done.



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