[packagekit] LJ capability sounds cool - how does it fit with hotplug ?

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Sun Apr 13 07:52:52 PDT 2008

hughsient - LJ Comment wrote:
> Richard Hughes (hughsient) replied to  in which you said:
>> Umm - is this your preferred forum for this ? Also, I did not search for
>> a fedora packaged firmware file as I didn't think it would exist. How
>> would packagekit help install such a thing ?
>> no firmware: $ lshal -m Start monitoring devicelist:
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> {insert} 22:35:28.115: usb_device_14aa_225_noserial added 22:35:28.332:
>> usb_device_14aa_225_noserial_if0 added
>> {remove} 22:38:09.973: usb_device_14aa_225_noserial_if0 removed
>> 22:38:09.976: usb_device_14aa_225_noserial removed
>> ===== with firmware file: $ lshal -m Start monitoring devicelist:
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> {insert} 22:42:45.825: usb_device_14aa_225_noserial added 22:42:45.852:
>> usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial added 22:42:47.374:
>> usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial removed 22:42:47.379:
>> usb_device_14aa_225_noserial removed 22:42:48.609:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503 added 22:42:48.653:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb added 22:42:48.713:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb_0 added 22:42:48.747:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb_1 added 22:42:48.770:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb_2 added 22:42:48.773:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_if0 added 22:42:48.779:
>> usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial added 22:42:48.782:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_logicaldev_input added ===== 22:42:58.658:
>> usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial_logicaldev_input added
>> {remove} 22:43:23.501: usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_logicaldev_input
>> removed 22:43:23.511: usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb_2 removed
>> 22:43:23.518: usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb_0 removed 22:43:23.523:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb_1 removed 22:43:23.527:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_if0 removed 22:43:23.533:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503_dvb removed 22:43:23.534:
>> usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial_logicaldev_input removed
>> 22:43:23.536: usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial removed 22:43:23.538:
>> usb_device_14aa_226_20060503 removed =====

>   >How would packagekit help install such a thing
>   You can say "install the package which provides
>   /usr/lib/firmware/foo.dat"
In this case /lib/firmware/dvb....fw
But wouldn't it already need to be yum searchable {fedora} for it to work ?

Could that be:
- try other known packaging types eg on Fedora - check suse rpms, debs ?
- download the manu's driver {that includes the fw}
- fw cutter or similar to extract fw.
- google filetype:fw {don't think that works} search to find a file download
- download it and size, md5sum against known chksum {who would be 
authoritative} ?
     {ie fedora can't/won't carry fw but it is around; want to be sure 
it isn't dodgy}

I guess it is a bit like codeina, but the user didn't create the 'needs 
driver', 'needs firmware', and 'needs app' event, rather the plug event 
created it. Is this PackageKit's place in the scheme of things or should 
some lower level be doing it ?


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