[packagekit] Hello !

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 03:39:14 PDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 12:24 +0200, Aurelien Lefebvre wrote:
> My name is Aurélien Lefebvre, and i'm a Mandriva trainee based in Paris 
> office. I recently joined the engineer team, and my first job is to write urpmi 
> backend for PackageKit.

Brilliant, welcome. Thanks for the introduction.

If you haven't already, I would recommend reading the presentation I
gave at FOSDEM2008:
http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/public/introduction-to-packagekit.pdf as this provides quite a good introduction to the problems and how we want to fix them.

You should also be familiar with http://www.packagekit.org/ - especially
the developer documentation here:
http://www.packagekit.org/pk-reference.html - this is important to read
before starting to write a backend.

If you send me your chosen username and your public ssh key, I'll give
you access to the private development server where you can commit
changes. The first step would be to clone this private git repo, and get
the dummy backend working. The dummy backend is a "stupid" backend that
roughly emulates the things you can do in a native backend.

If you've got any questions, be sure to fire them at the list, and we'll
get back to you as soon as possible.

We also hang out in #PackageKit on freenode if you fancy something a
little more real-time.

Good luck!


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