[packagekit] Doing the GPG auth dance

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 07:58:50 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 14:39 +0200, Stefan Haas wrote:
> From the zypp point of view this should be sufficient.

Okay, I've added the display from backend->client - you have to use
the ::EulaRequired signal.

If you have a EULA to display, just call pk_backend_eula_required () and
then call pk_backend_error_code (PK_ERROR_ENUM_NO_LICENSE_AGREEMENT);
We'll have to work out a way to communicate the licence status from the
daemon to the backend. I've got to think a little on that; for instance,
if a session user has already agreed to the same licence, do they need
to agree to it again?

Anyway, here's the pkcon interaction:

[hughsie at hughsie-work client]$ ./pkcon install vips-doc
resolve runtime was 0.1 seconds
Eula Required
Eula:        eula_hughsie_dot_com
Package:     vips-doc;7.12.4-2.fc8;noarch;linva
Vendor:      CATS Inc.
Agreement:   Narrator: In A.D. 2101, war was beginning.

Do you agree? [N/y] n
Did not agree to licence, task will fail
Error: no-license-agreement : licence not installed so cannot install
install-package runtime was 0.1 seconds

And the money shot:

Comments appreciated.


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