[packagekit] Feature request

Evandro Gardenali evandro.gardenali at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 14:49:37 PST 2008

Hi, first I'd like to thank you for this great piece of software!

Now I can blame it a bit :)

I've been using packagekit for installing/removing packages from my
fedora system and it works great! But somewhat for updates I always have
some issues and I always go back to pup and now it seems more like I've
forgot packagekit for updates and just use pup.

What is my problem:

Everyone with Livna and Freshrpms repos enabled probably already
exeperienced this. They have some incompatibilities especially with
ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins and x264 packages... you install them easily.

Then you log in your box and see 406 updates avaible, you go to the
packagekit icon click there review the updates and set to update the
system. Packagekit says it could not update the system because of
unresolved dependencies, and its right.

Those packs I've mentioned are easy to install but very hard to update,
and are not easy to solve uninstalling/installing other version
available on them or so, because they seem to use different versioning
number... so you always get lost finding errors when updating. but hey!
my system is ok, its playing videos so its fine. that for me is ok. but
there are kernel updates, gnome updates and other recommended updates I
want to have installed in my box.

In pup I just uncheck the gstreamer packs and it downloads and updates
all the ramaining 400 packs or so.

But packagekit doesn't allow me to skip/ignore/remove a package from
update list, so I would end up needing to update one by one. I couldn't
find a workaround for this. so what Im asking is an "ignore" button (or
other better name) that I can skip a package when its not updating, so I
can have all the other updates working fine. I know that in the ideal
world we would'nt have this kind of problem, but today we have :(

Thanks and sorry for my bad english!


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