[packagekit] Update viewer - show all packages, or...?

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 09:35:44 PST 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 17:19 -0500, Robin Norwood wrote:
> What do you guys thing about filtering the updates list something like
> this?

I've added a new filter 'basename' to the list of allowed filter types.

The basename filter will only return results according to the package
basename. This is useful if you are searching for 'pm-utils' and you
only want to show the main pm-utils package, not any of the -devel or
-debuginfo or -common suffixes in the UI. The basename is normally the
original name of the srpm or source deb.  

This parameter is valid when searching, but it will be most useful when
it is used with GetUpdates, which I've added it to.

I've hence broken all the API for GetUpdates, and so you should probably
check your backend and frontend still compiles and works okay.

So, for backend dudes. If your filter contains "basename" then please
try to filter out common things and only display the source name where


p.s. one more API change, and then we're good for a release.

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