[packagekit] PackageKitExtra - package abstraction

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at pld-linux.org
Tue Feb 19 01:37:53 PST 2008

On Feb 18, 2008 6:59 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 12:09 +0100, Sebastian Heinlein wrote:
> > To achive this all .desktop files are extracted from the archive and
> > stored in a cache with some extra information. Currently all desktop
> > files are shiped in the app-install-data package so that the cache can
> > be rebuild afterwards again.

That's a horrible horrible hack and would be a huge pain to maintain
in a consistent and up-to-date way for any distro with daily updates
(think "* unstable" or always-in-development distros).

> > Here is the list of extra attributes that we use:
> >
> > * X-AppInstall-Package
> > Name of the corresonding package
> Sure.

This belongs to "xdg online desktop" (currently mugshot).

> > * X-AppInstall-Popcon
> > Integer that gives an idea how popular an application is. Calculated
> > from user statistics.
> From where? I figured we could use the mugshot stats for this.

Same as above.

> > * X-AppInstall-Architectures
> > The architectures which are supported by the package
> Is this important?

Same question here, if the architecture is not supported, user should
not even see the package. It's not like you're gonna buy a new PC to
install a package.

> > * X-AppInstall-Proprietary
> > Does it contain non-free code?
> Surely a licence would be a better field? Then the daemon can decide
> what is free and what isn't.

Looks like this is just a local interpretation of license.

> > * X-AppInstall-Supported
> > Is it supported by Canonical?

What if it's supported by a third party? Like nero for linux (which is
crappy software but supported by ahead).

> > * X-AppInstall-Channel
> > Label of a third party repository that contains the package of the
> > application and needs to be enabled before.
> You mean installing an application install can enable and then disable a
> repository? Isn't this a security risk?

Agreed, if packages can add/remove/enable/disable repos at will, the
whole distro repo concept is crippled.

> > * X-AppInstall-Codecs
> > List of codes that are supported by the application. There are some
> > manual created applications for codec packages.
> A list of mime/types?

This belongs in the package headers/repo indices. Think rpm's
Provides: mime(foo/bar) or deb's counterpart. Should be handled by

> > * X-AppInstall-PatentBadness
> > Possibly problematic code inside.
> Surely Proprietary == PatentBadness from a user's point of view?

Not really. Nero for Linux is proprietary but not patent crippled,
ffmpeg is opensource but considered prone to patent wars.

> > If you type in a not installed command into your terminal, Ubuntu
> > currently looks in to a command cache and presents packages that provide
> > this command:
> >
> > renate at laptop:~$ ncftp ftp.ubuntu.com
> > The program 'ncftp' can be found in the following packages:
> >  * ncftp
> >  * ncftp2
> > Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>
> > bash: ncftp: command not found
> This is very cool for new users and something that I've sorely wanted in
> Fedora for new users. How do you generate the binary->package table and
> keep it updated?

Just ask repo indices for a package that contains a particular binary?
Looks like backend's job.

> On top of this it is trivial to build an executable like
> pk-command-not-found which does the prompting for installation (rather
> than telling the user what to do) as we can now install as non-root.

Ugh. That would mean I can type stuff like sperl to install a suid
binary (security problem). I don't think the whole feature would be
all that useful. Your casual Jane User is very unlikely to launch a
terminal and type stuff like "firefox" while an admin would certainly
just install apache instead of typing "apachectl" and waiting for the
shell to install random pieces of software.

Patryk Zawadzki
PLD Linux Distribution

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