[packagekit] 1-click; Third party vendors; etc.

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 01:15:25 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 21:04 +0200, Jan Niklas Hasse wrote:
> IMHO packages should just be installed from the main repositories and
> 3rd party apps should use something like Autopackage, Klik or
> Zeroinstall as all of them allow you to install as normal user.
> Another thing is a binary installer, which, if it doesn't require root
> access, is also more secure then deb or rpm.

Okay, there's quite a lot of strong feeling on this. The question now

Do we add methods such as RepoAdd() and RepoRemove() so 1-click layer
could use PackageKit?

New methods are 0.3.x territory, but that's coming up in the next few


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