[packagekit] Bundles

Ken VanDine ken at vandine.org
Wed Jun 4 12:08:15 PDT 2008

That means the creator of the bundle has to add lines for each distro.
Not sure I like that model, I still think we need some sort of central
mapping database that maps package names.... I know that is probably
insane to maintain, but I don't like the idea of all the bundles out
there being only for ubuntu.


On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 20:04 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 14:57 -0400, Elliot Peele wrote:
> > > Sure, and sometimes files aren't either. I think a bundle gives the
> > > person packaging enough flexibility to do this.
> > 
> > Sure, I just worry that we are going to end up with distro specific
> > bundles which kinda defeats the purpose of PackageKit.
> Sure, but they are all in the same file - I can do gpk-install-bundle
> foo.bundle on any system:
> InstallPackages(fedora)=PolicyKit
> InstallPackages(ubuntu)=policykit
> > > File requires also mean downloading big filelists (10Mb+) which some
> > > users may not be able to do.
> > 
> > This requirement doesn't apply to all package managers.
> Sure, point taken, thanks.
> Richard.
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