[packagekit] packagekit-qt : coverage now complete

Adrien BUSTANY madcat at mymadcat.com
Sun Jun 8 16:32:31 PDT 2008

Hi folks,
packagekit-qt now covers 99.9% of the 0.2 API. Daniel is now working on 
the ui (I'll help him a bit), and considering is motivation and the 
screenshots we've already got, I think that the KDE4 ui will be nice. Of 
course, there'll be things to discuss, as for the gpk-application UI, 
but we should get something functionnal soon enough.
For those wondering what is the 0.01% left : it's one function in 
Transaction : GetLastPackage. Thanks to who can explain me the purpose 
of this function (does it return a package_id ?).
The git repo is *not* the one on freedesktop.org : that one is not 
working, totally outdated, and should be removed as soon as possible. If 
you want to look at the code, clone 

Adrien Bustany

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