[packagekit] Bundles

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 07:50:59 PDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 15:54 +0200, Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett wrote:
> So reinventing what we have as one click install? why don't you reuse that?

OCI has a different focus. OCI lets you easily install packages that are
not in the distro repos. Bundles let you install only stuff that's
already in the distro. There's no description or grouping in a bundle.
No repos, no translations and no other data.

Comparing Bundles to OCI is like comparing a screwdriver to a power
drill - OCI is way more complex. OCI is a layer above PK (in software
and also in trust), and when we add the RepoAdd and RepoRemove methods
you're all set to use PK to do some of the OCI stuff much cleaner.


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