[packagekit] Forked and Threaded

Sebastian Heinlein glatzor at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 10 13:14:52 PDT 2008

Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2008, 19:21 +0000 schrieb Richard Hughes:

> > The search of the apt2 backend is very fast and so isn't an interface
> > blocker. In the end I only want to allow to cancel the downloading part.
> Sure, but when we ask the backend to Cancel() it means we just don't
> care about the results, and so if possible they shouldn't be sent. The
> daemon is clever enough not to proxy requests for cancelled
> transactions, but I think you might get an error in this case. Either
> way, it's probably best to cancel stuff when asked, even if it's quick.

Right. I added a cancel check before performing emits.
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