[packagekit] User Interaction needed

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 12:44:47 PDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 13:21 +0100, Stefan Haas wrote:
> You want to install foo. To fulfill the requirements of foo you've to
> remove bar.

Have you got some examples of what foo and bar are? I'm not sure
installing one package and removing another is what the user is

> Here you've to ask what's to do:
> 1) remove bar and install foo
> 2) don't install foo
> What should the backend do in this case?

Well, the purist in me is saying that:
* installing a package shouldn't uninstall another
* utilities like "alternatives" should be used when the binary has the
same name.
* choosing no is probably okay, and send an ErrorCode to the user saying
they have to remove the other package first

But, as this is done _pre_ transaction rather than _during_ the
transaction I don't mind discussing this sort of requirement if other
people agree.

We'll need to add token-passing in to the backend code for the
RepoSignRequired stuff, so it's not that much more work to add a
question enum type to that framework.


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