[packagekit] Changing the Package signal to include a type

Klaus Kaempf kkaempf at suse.de
Tue Mar 4 05:25:36 PST 2008

* Benji Weber <b.weber at warwick.ac.uk> [Mar 04. 2008 13:58]:
> The patches are just higher priority updates.

It seems there is a confusion between 'suse patches' and 'patch rpms'.

The latter is just a way to reduce download time.

The former, 'suse patches', are a means to add information to package
updates, esp.
- severity (security, recommended, optional)
- grouping (see below)
- summary/description (explaining the bug and fix, evtl. including
  external links)

The grouping attribute is especially important since it allows the
update tool to relate package updates to fixes.

A typical example for the usefulness of grouping is a glibc update on
a 64bit system which typically includes
- glibc
- glibc-32bit
- glibc-locale
- glibc-locale-32bit
- glibc-devel
- glibc-devel-32bit
- glibc-i18ndata

Instead of showing 7 package updates, its just a single bugfix shown
as one 'patch'

> Is there another reason that the
> type of the package is required other than determining severity?

Well, in the above example only the 'glibc' package might have
severity 'security fix'. All others (should) have 'dependency' (which
might not be a useful information).

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