[packagekit] User Interaction needed

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 15:51:07 PDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 16:26 -0600, Stanislav Visnovsky wrote:
> > Okay, what about starting the transaction, and if we need to change
> > media then we do the file copy fro the first dist, then fail the
> > transaction with (ERROR_INSERT_DISK, Please insert dist 1 and retry)
> and
> > exit with EXIT_FAIL. The gui will come up, and then the user clicks
> > install again, and because the packages are already copyied then the
> > install continues. I think this is cleanest.
> This assumes you  have enough space on the disk for the package cache.

Sure, yes, but we have to make a compromise somewhere. Doing it this way
gives us the benefit of fire-and-forget (when the transaction is
actually running) and also allows us to use multiple install media.


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