[packagekit] User Interaction needed

Stanislav Visnovsky visnov at suse.cz
Fri Mar 14 07:52:09 PDT 2008

Dňa Thursday 13 March 2008 15:02:00 Richard Hughes ste napísal:
> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 14:20 -0600, Stanislav Visnovsky wrote:
> > If the package conflicts and PackageKit does not allow to resolve the
> > dependency by user, the only choice backend has to fulfill user
> > requirement (install) is to remove the conflicting package. IIRC, postfix
> > and sendmail conflict on openSUSE.
> Why would the end user be installing a MTA? 

It's off-topic, you wanted an example.

> There's no problem in 
> erroring out the transaction with "You have to uninstall the sendmail
> package before you can install postfix". I think it's sane to offer to
> do the remove in the zypp tools, but probably not expose that in the
> PackageKit API.

I believe this pretty much breaks the vision of fire and forget tool. You 
suggest to leave user to figure out on his own what went wrong and how to fix 
it (I'm generalizing here).


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