[packagekit] How async is to async?

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 08:15:30 PDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 09:07 -0400, Ken VanDine wrote:
> Some operations really shouldn't have to wait for other operations to
> finish, and really causes pain for the end user.  For example, searching
> shouldn't get queued up behind an update job.

Do you mean that search shouldn't be queued, or that searching should be
inserted at the top of the queue, not at the bottom?

> Same goes for retrieving details and description related things.  Those
> should just get serviced when they are needed.

Well, originally, this was how the "smart" queue operated, but some
backends like yum really didn't like being run without a cache.

We probably have to revisit this in 0.1.11, and do something way smarter
than what we do already. At the moment we err too far on the side of


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