[packagekit] system update problem with 0.1.10

Ken VanDine ken at vandine.org
Sat Mar 29 08:42:39 PDT 2008

Strange thing I noticed with 0.1.10.   pk-application is fully
functional, I can install/remove just fine.  When pk-update-viewer runs,
it finds updates, lets me view them and get details.  But when I try to
update the system it just tells me it is waiting for the PackageKit
service.  And what the output from packagekitd, it does appear to talk
to it.  Here is a snip from the log.

Anyone else seen this?


TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-backend.c	FN:pk_backend_set_role,1012
 - setting role to update-system
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-backend.c	FN:pk_backend_set_status,520
 - emiting status-changed setup
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_status_changed_cb,232
 - emitting status-changed tid:8;bdbcdcdb;data, 'setup'
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_reset_timer,179
 - reset timer
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-backend-spawn.c	FN:pk_backend_spawn_helper_internal,441
 - using spawn filename /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/conary/update-system.py
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-backend-spawn.c	FN:pk_backend_spawn_helper_new,408
 - allocating spawn 0x632540
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-spawn.c	FN:pk_spawn_command,284
 - command '/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/conary/update-system.py'
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-inhibit.c	FN:pk_inhibit_lock,86
 - Trying to AcquireInterfaceLock
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-inhibit.c	FN:pk_inhibit_lock,108
 - emit lock 1
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_inhibit_locked_cb,209
 - emitting locked 1
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-transaction-db.c	FN:pk_transaction_db_add,342
 - adding transaction 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-common.c	FN:pk_iso8601_present,60
 - timespec=2008-03-29T15:40:23Z
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-transaction-db.c	FN:pk_transaction_db_sql_statement,197
 - statement=INSERT INTO transactions (transaction_id, timespec) VALUES ('8;bdbcdcdb;data', '2008-03-29T15:40:23Z')
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-transaction-db.c	FN:pk_transaction_db_sql_statement,197
 - statement=UPDATE transactions SET role = 'update-system' WHERE transaction_id = '8;bdbcdcdb;data'
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_role,2546
 - GetRole method called: 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_status,2517
 - GetStatus method called: 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_role,2546
 - GetRole method called: 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_role,2546
 - GetRole method called: 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_status,2517
 - GetStatus method called: 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_status,2517
 - GetStatus method called: 8;bdbcdcdb;data
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-spawn.c	FN:pk_spawn_emit_whole_lines,131
 - emitting stdout allow-cancel	true
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-backend-spawn.c	FN:pk_backend_spawn_stdout_cb,388
 - stdout from 0x632540 = 'allow-cancel	true'
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-inhibit.c	FN:pk_inhibit_remove,203
 - cannot find item 0x641010
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-backend.c	FN:pk_backend_set_allow_cancel,974
 - emit allow-cancel 1
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_allow_cancel_cb,674
 - emitting allow-interrpt tid:8;bdbcdcdb;data, 1
TI:11:40:23	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-runner.c	FN:pk_runner_allow_cancel_cb,1054
 - AllowCancel now 1
TI:11:40:26	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-engine.c	FN:pk_engine_get_seconds_idle,2922
 - engine idle zero as 1 transactions in progress
TI:11:40:26	TH:0x630010	FI:pk-main.c	FN:pk_main_timeout_check_cb,129
 - idle is 0

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